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Christian Living

  • Mundo Volatil – (Spanish)


    El mundo en que vivimos se ha vuelto inseguro, peligroso, deprimente y, sobre todo, volatil e inestable. Atras quedo la sociedad solida de nuestros antepasados marcada por una cosmovision predecible, ordenada y con vision de futuro. La historia, la politica, la filosofia, las tradiciones, ritos y creencias que formaron nuestro universo cultural, se diluyen y desvanecen en una nueva realidad social marcada por cambios y mutaciones que suceden a un ritmo hiperacelerado y vertiginoso.

    En medio de este caos, este libro busca enfrentar la marea autodestructiva en la que se ha sumergido nuestra sociedad. Como enfrentamos este panorama sombrio? A traves de pequeas fabulas e historias poderosas que contienen una profunda enseanza, Mundo volatil nos anima a encontrar verdades absolutas que nos lleven a la estabilidad mental y la paz espiritual que necesitamos en nuestra alma. El mundo es el resultado de nuestras ideas, y aun estamos a tiempo de cambiar el caos en el que se ha sumergido nuestra vida. !Usted puede convertirse en embajador de esperanza en un mundo que esta a punto de diluirse!

    The world we live in has become insecure, dangerous, depressing, and above all, volatile and unstable. The solid society of our ancestors, characterized by a predictable, orderly, and forward-thinking worldview, is a thing of the past. History, politics, philosophy, traditions, rituals and beliefs which shaped our cultural universe are now dissolving and vanishing into a new social reality marked by changes and mutations that take place at a hectic and vertiginous pace.

    In the midst of this chaos, this books seeks to confront the self-destructive tide into which our society is immersed. How do we face this somber panorama? Through brief tales and powerful stories containing a deep teaching. Volatile World encourages us to discover absolute truths that lead to mental stability and spiritual peace so needed in our souls. The world is the result of our ideas. We still have time to change the chaos in which our lives have plunged. You can become an ambassador of hope in a world about to dissolve!

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  • Camino Mas Excelente – (Spanish)


    Las raices de muchas enfermedades psicologicas y biologicas son espirituales. El autor Henry W. Wright no solamente le ensea a la iglesia a derrotar las enfermedades, sino que tambien las desmitifica mostrando –desde la perspectiva de Dios– el por que la humanidad sufre de enfermedades.

    Un Camino Mas Excelente es un recurso valioso para ayudar a los lideres espirituales, profesionales del cuidado de la salud y a todo individuo a entender las dinamicas espirituales detras de las enfermedades del cuerpo, del espiritu y del alma. Este libro le ayudara a descubrir por que la humanidad sufre de enfermedades, las raices espirituales de las enfermedades, obstrucciones para la sanidad, una eficaz prevencion contra las enfermedades y senderos espirituales hacia la salud integral.

    A More Excellent Way supplies profound knowledge about the secrets of healing and the prevention of disease. Using sound scriptural and scientific observation, Dr. Henry W. Wright leads the reader on a journey of personal responsibility, identifying root causes to specific diseases and offering pathways of healing and wholeness that were never meant to remain dormant in the body of Christ. Here, you will understand why mankind has disease, identify specific blocks to healing, and discover spiritual pathways to health.

    Tens of thousands have experienced healing through the discernment found in A More Excellent Way when nothing else was working. An invaluable resource in understanding the spiritual dynamics behind diseases of the spirit, soul, and body, this book is a must-read for spiritual leaders, health-care professionals, and individuals everywhere!

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  • Jesus In Us Living Wholeheartedly The Life He Intends


    In Jesus in Us, you will follow Jesus as He celebrates the Last Supper, is falsely condemned to death, suffers the agony of crucifixion, is gloriously raised from the dead, and ascends to heaven with the promise of empowering us by His Spirit, who will live within us and enable us continue Jesus’s ministry on earth. Each day features a Scripture reading, a “Life Lessons with Jesus” segment, questions for reflection, and a prayer.

    Jesus promised to send us His own Spirit so that “Jesus with us” could become “Jesus in us” for all time and eternity.

    Jesus in Us is the fourth book in the Life Along the Way series, which takes you through the life of Jesus in all four Gospels and the first chapter of Acts. In four 90-day devotionals, you can travel with Jesus for a full year if you wish-from His birth, to His ministry and miracles, to His relationships with the people around Him, to His death, resurrection, and ascension. The three other devotionals, which you can read either sequentially or in any order, are #1, Jesus with Us: Meeting Him Where He Began, #2, Jesus Among Us: Walking with Him in His Ministry and Miracles, and #3, Jesus Through Us: Following His Example in Love and Service.

    As you journey each day with the Savior, you will learn to love Jesus and love like Jesus. Where are you on your walk with Jesus?

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  • Enjoying Jesus : Experience The Presence And Kindness Of The Son Of God In


    We know Jesus has saved us. We know we need to trust him. But too often there’s little sense of a lived experience of him–of enjoying him and being a joy to him, of loving him and being loved by him, of interacting with him as we walk through each day.

    In Enjoying Jesus, Tim Chester explores how Jesus acted and interacted with people in Luke’s Gospel and how, through his Spirit, we can experience the joy of Jesus’ presence and companionship in our day-to-day lives.

    This book is ideal for anyone wanting to deepen their relationship with Jesus, especially those who feel disconnected from God or those going through the motions of the Christian life without joy. It will also help new Christians who want to understand how Jesus is with them by his Spirit.

    Each chapter includes reflection questions and practical suggestions on how to experience a close, joyful relationship with Jesus. The accompanying discussion guide makes this a useful resource for small groups.

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  • Parenting Without Panic In An LGBT Affirming World


    As Christian parents, we long to equip our kids as they venture out into a culture where LGBT identities are affirmed and celebrated. We want them to know what God says and to love what God says. But it’s hard to know where to start. That’s where this book can help.

    Author Rachel Gilson helps you to teach your children proactively and positively about God’s beautiful design for human sexuality, gender and relationships. This book will help you to provide your children with a Christian framework for sexual ethics, rather than letting the culture lay the foundations of their worldview in this area.

    Rachel writes with understanding and clarity to help fellow parents engage with the wider LGBT narrative with faith rather than fear. Since she herself experiences same-sex attraction but has chosen to follow the Bible’s teaching, she has put much thought into this topic. She reassures us that Jesus gives us everything we need to be faithful disciples in a fallen world, and that God works out his perfect purposes despite human sin. She also shares her wisdom on how to respond with grace and truth to people with different beliefs in this area.

    This book is ideal for parents of pre-school and primary-school children.

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  • Master Leader : 12 Ways To Lead Like Jesus


    Jesus stands in history as the master leader-and he calls us to follow him in leadership. But what exactly makes Christian leadership unique? Mark E. Moore, with fellow leader Jeff Osborne, unpacks what is essential: key leadership strategies based on the life of Jesus.

    The Master Leader offers biblical guidance and practical advice to lead your team like Jesus led those around him. You will learn to possess the values of Jesus, beginning with integrity and other key attributes, including servanthood, stewardship, and adaptability. You will also understand the actions of Jesus, like how to build culture, cast vision, and mentor leaders. These pages will raise your leadership level.

    The best leadership training comes from Christ, and this book is the guide for leaders in any role of society.

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  • Precepts For Living 2024-2025 KJV NLT Parallel Large Print (Large Type)


    Your Guide to Living According to God’s Word in Tumultuous Times
    For over 20 years, many have cultivated their relationship with Christ using UMI’s Precepts for Living Commentary. This edition covers key biblical principles for listening to and living according to God’s word!

    The Precepts For Living(R): Principles for Living in an Unhinged World commentary will enhance personal study with powerful, life-transforming insights, an amazing depth of study, and instructional resources. Precepts For Living(R): Principles for Living in an Unhinged World is for individuals and churches who sense the world needs change and covenant to apply God’s wisdom to earthly problems. Precepts For Living(R): Principles for Living in an Unhinged World provides lessons in parallel KJV and NLT translations, in-depth historical, biographical, and geographic insights, discussion and Bible application, and Greek and Hebrew word studies. It also includes:

    *Weekly Bible Study Guide
    *Daily Bible Readings
    *QR Codes for Online Resources
    *Holiday Features
    *Black History Profiles


    The Weekly Bible Study Guide offers scripture in both KJV and NLT. It also offers,

    *”The People, Places, and Times,”
    *”In Depth,” and
    *”More Light on the Text”

    …sections to help provide insight and understanding of the text.

    These sections include more than a simple compilation of information. In each lesson, you will also see “In Focus” stories and “Liberating Lesson” and “Application for Activation” sections serving as catalysts for applying the biblical text to life situations.


    The Daily Bible Reading scriptures are there to guide you through your Bible reading for the rest of the week.


    Next to the weekly In Focus stories, you will see QR Codes. The codes will lead you to additional content, including videos of our In Focus stories and Teaching Tips. To use the QR Code, open the camera app on your mobile device to scan the QR Code. Then click on the link to access the videos and teaching tips. Need additional help accessing these resources? Please call 1-800-860-8642 for assistance.


    The Holiday Features section includes articles that highlight liturgical and cultural holidays such as Christmas, Easter, and Juneteenth. Many of the articles inspire the reader to reflect on the spiritual and historical foundation of the holidays and commission us to remember what we cel

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  • Precepts For Living 2024-2025 KJV NLT Parallel


    Your Guide to Living According to God’s Word in Tumultuous Times

    For over 20 years, many have cultivated their relationship with Christ using UMI’s Precepts for Living Commentary. This edition covers key biblical principles for listening to and living according to God’s word!

    The Precepts For Living(R): Principles for Living in an Unhinged World commentary will enhance personal study with powerful, life-transforming insights, an amazing depth of study, and instructional resources. Precepts For Living(R): Principles for Living in an Unhinged World is for individuals and churches who sense the world needs change and covenant to apply God’s wisdom to earthly problems. Precepts For Living(R): Principles for Living in an Unhinged World provides lessons in parallel KJV and NLT translations, in-depth historical, biographical, and geographic insights, discussion and Bible application, and Greek and Hebrew word studies. It also includes:

    *Weekly Bible Study Guide
    *Daily Bible Readings
    *QR Codes for Online Resources
    *Holiday Features
    *Black History Profiles


    The Weekly Bible Study Guide offers scripture in both KJV and NLT. It also offers,

    *”The People, Places, and Times,”
    *”In Depth,” and
    *”More Light on the Text”

    …sections to help provide insight and understanding of the text.

    These sections include more than a simple compilation of information. In each lesson, you will also see “In Focus” stories and “Liberating Lesson” and “Application for Activation” sections serving as catalysts for applying the biblical text to life situations.


    The Daily Bible Reading scriptures are there to guide you through your Bible reading for the rest of the week.


    Next to the weekly In Focus stories, you will see QR Codes. The codes will lead you to additional content, including videos of our In Focus stories and Teaching Tips. To use the QR Code, open the camera app on your mobile device to scan the QR Code. Then click on the link to access the videos and teaching tips. Need additional help accessing these resources? Please call 1-800-860-8642 for assistance.


    The Holiday Features section includes articles that highlight liturgical and cultural holidays such as Christmas, Easter, and Juneteenth. Many of the articles inspire the reader to reflect on the spiritual and historical foundation of the holidays and commission us to remember what we c

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  • New Beginnings : The Lord’s Mercies Are New Every Morning – 366 Devotions


    The New Beginnings Pink Sunshine Field Softcover Devotional invites you on a year-long journey to a deeper relationship with God through daily insights and prayerful meditation. The devotional’s winsome writing style will help you discover that God’s mercies are new every morning.

    The softcover devotional boasts a vibrant screen-printed front cover showcasing a purple meadow bathed in the warm glow of a blazing sun. The title is boldly displayed in bold purple letters at the center of this captivating design.

    New Beginnings

    The LORD’s mercies are new every morning

    The gilt-edged pages add additional shimmer to the devotional and elevate the softcover binding. A second luxury feature is a satin ribbon marker that is attached to the spine.

    When you wrap this beautiful devotional as a gift, add a personalized message to the presentation page in the front. Each of the 366 daily entries starts with a Scripture passage that is followed by a devotional passage and a prayer. Topics include divine protection, the power of praise, living one day at a time, growth through humility, and much more.

    The New Beginnings Purple Floral Softcover Devotional makes a lovely birthday or Christmas gift and will delight a sister or friend who desires to grow in her faith through prayer, reflection, and study of Scripture in a format that is easy to understand and comforting to read.

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  • Live Like A Guide Dog


    A guide dog ‘ s guide to life’s most important lessons!

    Michael Hingson’s inspiring true story captivated the world when he and his guide dog Roselle escaped the Twin Towers together on 9/11, a story that became the New York Times bestselling book Thunder Dog. During decades of walking with guide dogs, he had learned a surprising truth that helped save his life that day: Being afraid can be a positive thing, one that prepares us to deal with any situation that befalls us. Now, in Live like a Guide Dog, he reveals how to:

    *Get equipped for whatever obstacles or challenges you may encounter as you make your way through the world

    *Train yourself to be brave, just like a guide dog’s training equips handler and dog to prepare for the unexpected

    *Learn to use your natural fear reactions as a way to focus and concentrate to make better decisions and turn your fear into courage and confidence.

    *Apply eleven principles Michael has learned with his guide dogs to overcome the fears that you face every day

    Join Michael on the joyful adventure of walking with, loving, and learning from guide dogs!

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  • Radical Like Jesus


    You are meant for more. God has called you to live a radical life for Him– one that makes a lasting impact on this world. Like Jesus did.

    But how is this possible?

    There’s never been anyone in history as radical as Jesus. From the way that He prayed, to how He interacted with sinners, to His sacrificial death on the cross, Jesus was a revolutionary. It’s just who He was. As His followers we are called to be like him. It’s not just something we should aspire to, it’s a reality that we must strive for every day. We can live as Jesus did – be radical like He was – because as Christians, Jesus lives in us and wants to live through us. When Jesus lives his life through us, we begin to do the things that He did.

    And that’s what Radical Like Jesus is all about – putting into practice the rhythms, activities and actions that Jesus modeled throughout His life.

    Radical like Jesus is meant to challenge you with:

    *21 chapters that reflecton the life and actions of Jesus;
    *21 challenges that help you build Christ-honoring routines;
    *21 insights on how your everyday life can become revolutionary.

    Every chapter ends with a Radical Like Jesus Challenge. Some will truly stretch your faith, and all of them will help you live like Jesus lived. Take these challenges individually or do them as a group and you’ll never be the same.

    Live your life on mission. Become radical like Jesus.

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  • Whom Shall I Fear


    Just days before Pastor Richard Wurmbrand was arrested by the Romanian secret police, he read that there were 366 Instances in Scripture that would help Christians overcome fear-one for each day of the year, including leap year. This idea enhanced Richard and his wife, Sabina’s, prayerful study of God’s Word and gave then strength to stand strong for Christ in the face of opposition, imprisonment, and torture. Featuring testimonies from Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand and other persecuted Christians from throughout the history until today, Whom Shall I Fear? invites you to encounter 366 biblical passages that will take you beyond anxiety, doubt, and fear, grounding your faith In God’s character as you live obediently for Christ in the face of any opposition.

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  • Aqui Estamos – (Spanish)


    Experimenta la transformacion que resulta de decir SI a Jesus: eligiendo compromiso sobre excusas, fe sobre dudas y accion sobre vacilacion.

    Que motiva a alguien a servir al Seor durante aos? Que cualidades especiales se necesitan? Es factible para cualquiera seguir ese camino? Este libro responde estas y otras preguntas que todos los seguidores de Cristo nos planteamos.

    En Aqui estamos, Marcos Vidal, pastor, cantante y autor reconocido, te invita a una exploracion sincera y personal para revitalizar tu compromiso con Jesucristo, sin importar tu profesion, educacion o talentos.

    Este libro es para aquellos que:

    *Se sientan desanimados e intimidados en su camino con Jesus
    *Tienen dudas y no saben por donde ni como empezar
    *Temen no poder cumplir con el Seor

    Con una profunda sabiduria biblica, compasion genuina e historias personales, Vidal revela la inquebrantable verdad de que Dios te espera pacientemente, dondequiera que estes.

    El momento es AHORA, el mensaje es claro: si El te llamo, !claro que puedes! No mires atras. Despues de leer este libro, responderas con confianza: !Por la gracia de Dios, AQUI ESTAMOS!

    Here We Are

    Experience the transformation that results from saying “YES” to Jesus: choosing commitment over excuses, faith over doubt and action over hesitation.

    What motivates someone to serve the Lord for years? What special qualities are needed? Is it feasible for anyone to follow that path? This book answers these and other questions that all followers of Christ ask themselves.

    In Here We Are, Marcos Vidal, pastor, singer, and renowned author, invites you to a sincere and personal exploration to revitalize your commitment to Jesus Christ, regardless of your profession, education, or talents.

    This book is for those who:

    *Feel discouraged and intimidated in their walk with Jesus
    *Have doubts and don’t know where or how to begin
    *Fear they will not be able to live up to the Lord

    With profound biblical wisdom, genuine compassion, and personal stories, Vidal reveals the unshakable truth that God is patiently waiting for you, no matter where you stand.

    The time is NOW, the message is clear: if He called you, of course you can! Don’t look back. After reading this book, you will respond with confidence, “By the grace of God, HERE WE ARE!”

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  • Love Your Life Project


    If someone watched how you spend your days, would they be able to tell what your passions and priorities are? Do you know anymore?

    Offering a roadmap back to a life of purpose and passion, New York Times bestselling author Karen Ehman and blogger, podcaster, and bestselling author Ruth Schwenk help you unlock a vibrant life uniquely suited to your personality, season of life, and schedule limitations. Packed with encouragement, biblical advice, real-world help, and personal discovery, this 40-day journey includes interactive workbook components to help you:

    *discern and pursue your true passions and priorities
    *craft a personalized action plan deeply rooted in Scripture
    *manage the tension between your relationships and your responsibilities
    *cultivate a life-giving routine of rest and productivity
    *revive your dreams–and your maxed-out schedule
    *impact others for eternity through your life and gifts

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  • 30 Days To Taming Your Tongue


    Certified behavioral consultant Deborah Pegues knows how easily a slip of the tongue can cause problems in personal and business relationships. This is why she wrote the popular 30 Days to Taming Your Tongue (850,000 copies sold). Now in trade size, Pegues’s 30-day devotional will help each reader not only tame their tongue but make it productive rather than destructive.

    With humor and a bit of refreshing sass, Deborah devotes chapters to learning how to overcome the:

    *Retaliating Tongue
    *Know-It-All Tongue
    *Belittling Tongue
    *Hasty Tongue
    *Gossiping Tongue
    *25 More!

    Short stories, anecdotes, soul-searching questions, and scripturally based personal affirmations combine to make each applicable and life changing.

    Rerelease in trade edition

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  • Prayers For A Womans Heart


    Heartfelt Prayers for All of Life’s Moments Many of us long more meaningful prayer life but hardly know where to begin. For all the ordinary and extraordinary situations you face each day comes a collection of 100 prayers from bestselling author Elizabeth George.

    Short devotions follow each prayer to help you navigate your relationships with your family, friends, and the world around you. Discover prayers that draw you close to your heavenly Father…

    *to grow in wisdom and understanding
    *for strength through temptation, fear, and depression
    *that express reverence and worship
    *for patience and contentment
    *concerning spiritual growth and ministry

    God will listen for as long and as often as you desire to talk to Him. This gathering of short and intimate devotions will enrich your prayer life and provide you with words when your heart needs them most.

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  • Church Girl : A Gospel Vision To Encourage And Challenge Black Christian Wo


    Reignite your purpose in Christ, restore your dignity, heal your pain, transform your rest, and learn how to flourish in today’s secular world as a Black Christian woman–from Bible teacher, speaker, and psychotherapist Dr. Sarita Lyons.

    Black women are the hidden figures in the church. Despite at times being rendered invisible, uninvited, and unprotected in a racist and sexist world, they are valued image-bearers and influential instruments in God’s redemptive plan.

    Church Girl invites you, as a Black woman, on a journey from the garden to the present day. Your unique story as a Black woman lies within the grand narrative of Scripture, and the message of the gospel is the light, lens, and love you need to help you see and live as God intends.

    Church Girl helps answer some of your most internal pressing questions:

    – How do I understand my identity in light of Scripture?
    – How should I think about my purpose?
    – How can I thrive despite the opposition from racism and sexism?
    – How are Black women hurt in the church and how can I heal?
    – Why am I always exhausted from working and where can I find real peace and rest?
    – How can I flourish in a secular world and live out my faith with conviction and integrity?

    With compassion and wisdom, Dr. Sarita Lyons invites Black women to tackle the unique issues they face in the church with prophetic boldness, priestly compassion, a church leader’s wisdom, a counselor’s insight, and a sister’s relatability and love.

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  • Relaxed : Walking With The One Who Is Not Worried About A Thing


    We often try to do a lot for God–without him. Relaxed is a call to let go of spiritual performance, reject our cultural tendency to live under pressure, and find freedom to walk with God and toward God, one gentle step at a time.

    Jesus was never in a hurry to be anywhere other than where he was, trusting and obeying his Father. Could the same be said of us? We long to know peace, purpose, and contentment, but life’s stresses, the world’s discouragements, and our own striving for growth get in the way.

    In Relaxed, pastor and teacher Megan Fate Marshman explores what it means to set aside our addiction to trying to figure everything out and relish a slower, compelling, powerful, and relaxed life with God. As Megan takes us word by word through Proverbs 3:5-6, she helps us discover:

    *The joy of a continual, intimate relationship with God
    *What God calls us to do with the burden of shame and guilt
    *What it looks like to be relaxed in the midst of grief, financial stress, mistakes, and fatigue
    *The freedom and forgiveness of being found “in Christ”
    *How to incorporate rhythms of walking with God into our everyday routines

    God never intended for us to be in control. As we lean away from our own understanding and into an intentionally relaxed spiritual life, we join Jesus in trusting a God who knows what he is doing–and isn’t worried about a thing.

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  • Estresate Menos Ora Mas – (Spanish)


    What do you stress about most? . . .

    No matter your age, there’s likely one thing (probably more!) that stresses you to your very core.

    Whether you stress about piles of laundry, troubles at work, difficult relationships, finances, or something more, this devotional guide will help alleviate your anxiety-inducing thoughts as you learn to live in the freedom of Almighty God, who offers tranquility for your stressed-out soul. As you read the devotions and prayers, you’ll grow ever closer to the Stress-Reliever Himself, who will transform your tense heart into a heart of serene faith.

    Inspired by this promise from God’s Word: “Make sure that you don’t get so absorbed and exhausted in taking care of all your day-by-day obligations that you lose track of the time and doze off, oblivious to God. . . . Be up and awake to what God is doing! God is putting the finishing touches on the salvation work he began when we first believed.” (Romans 13:11-12 MSG)

    Read on. . .and discover the stress-free life today.

    Que es lo que mas te estresa?

    Sea cual sea tu edad, es probable que haya una cosa (!seguro que mas de una!) que te estresa hasta la medula.

    Ya se trate del estres de la colada que se amontona, de los problemas en el trabajo, de relaciones dificiles, finanzas etc., esta guia devocional te ayudara a aliviar los pensamientos que te provocan ansiedad a la vez que aprendes a vivir en la libertad del Dios Todopoderoso, que ofrece tranquilidad para tu alma estresada. A medida que lees los devocionales y las oraciones, te sentiras cada vez mas cerca de Quien te redime del estres, que transformara tu corazon estresado en un corazon de fe serena.

    Inspirado en esta promesa de la Palabra de Dios: “En todo esto tengan en cuenta el tiempo en que vivimos, y sepan que ya es hora de despertarnos del sueo […] dejemos de hacer las cosas propias de la oscuridad y revistamonos de luz, como un soldado se reviste de su armadura” (Romanos 13:11-12 DHH). Sigue leyendo… y descubre hoy mismo la vida sin estres.

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  • Heart Of Jesus


    Concise Edition of Dane Ortlund’s Book Gentle and Lowly, Edited for Young Readers, New Christians, and Seekers

    When Christians struggle with sin, they can easily feel that God is close to giving up on them. But in Matthew 11, Jesus describes himself as “gentle and lowly in heart,” longing for believers to find rest in him. The good news of the gospel flows from God’s deepest love for his people.

    In this concise book adapted from the bestselling Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund, readers will encounter Jesus’s tender heart for sinners and sufferers. Written for a wide audience-including younger readers, new Christians, and anyone who struggles with reading-it features easy-to-read terms and helpful explanations. The chapters are also short enough to read at bedtime, around the dinner table, or during lunchtime. The Heart of Jesus dives deep into Bible passages that speak of who Christ is, comforting and sustaining readers with the affections of Christ for his people.

    *Adapted from Gentle and Lowly: Smaller chapters and sentences are ideal for younger readers and busy families, as well as those who might have difficulty reading a longer book

    *Provides a Unique Perspective: Confronts readers’ typical thoughts on God’s heart

    *Scripture-Based: Explores passages throughout the whole Bible to give readers a full picture of God’s heart for sinners

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  • Each One Reach One


    This energizing, highly interactive book from Grammy-nominated recording artist and two-time Dove Award-winner Babbie Mason inspires us to share our God story with confidence.

    Many of us want to talk about our faith with others, but we feel unprepared and uncomfortable. Written for Christians who long to live with more boldness and purpose,
    Each One Reach One equips us to:

    *Find our own unique style of talking about Jesus.
    *Approach evangelism with enthusiasm rather than a sense of obligation.
    *Anticipate opportunities for telling others about Christianity.
    *Use Scripture and reflection questions to draw closer to God’s heart.
    *Experience the joy of seeing others as Christ sees us.

    Sharing our story of Jesus doesn’t have anything to do with rote lines, preachy words, or guilty feelings. As Babbie shows us, it has everything to do with listening well, practicing compassion, and demonstrating Christ’s joy.

    Includes free streaming access to bonus videos.

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  • Straight To The Heart


    Our approach to apologetics needs to change when the very idea of “truth” is controversial. But as authors Daniel Blackaby and Mike Blackaby teach us, we can still reach people if we understand what they value most.

    This practical guide to our current landscape explores five effective communication pathways:

    *Story: As people wired for narrative, we can speak through the stories we live and tell.

    *Beauty: In an increasingly industrialized world, we can point people to “pockets of beauty” that reveal the attractiveness of God.

    *Art: In a society that celebrates the arts, we can cultivate creativity in the church, then send artists out as cultural missionaries.

    *Desire: To a people motivated by love, identity, and purpose, we can show how Jesus is the perfect fulfillment of our deepest longings.

    *Community: As relational creatures where connectivity is disappearing, we can offer a community of unified diversity.

    Culture may be in flux, but God’s Word remains true. Straight to the Heart helps us speak to the passions that drive our culture without compromising the life-changing truth of the gospel.

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  • More Than A Carpenter


    He thought Christianity was a sham. Then it changed his life.

    Skeptic Josh McDowell thought Christians were out of their minds. He ridiculed and insulted them, then decided to combat them with his own robust research to disprove the claims of Jesus Christ. To his surprise, he discovered that the evidence suggested exactly the opposite?that Jesus, instead of being simply a first-century Hebrew carpenter, was so much more. Josh went on to write this inspirational book on Christian apologetics, More Than a Carpenter, which has sold over 16 million copies and transformed countless lives.

    Now, in this revised and updated edition, Josh is joined by his son, Sean McDowell, as they tackle the questions that today’s generation continues to ask:

    *”How do I find happiness and meaning in life?”
    *”Is it really possible to know the truth about God and Jesus?
    *”How can Jesus be the only way?”

    Whether you’re a spiritual cynic or a long-time Christian, experience a new perspective on faith through this bestselling, timeless classic on who Jesus really is.

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  • Bondad Del Reino – (Spanish)


    El egoismo, el orgullo y la hostilidad dominan los titulares, las redes sociales y las interacciones cotidianas. Pero que pasaria si cada cristiano hiciera un simple acto de bondad cada semana? Que pasaria si ofrecerse a llevar la compra a alguien que esta pasando apuros pudiera provocar una revolucion?

    Con gran aliento y conocimiento biblico, el Dr. Tony Evans muestra como, cuando dejamos que la bondad de Dios nos cambie, podemos cambiar el mundo. A traves de ejemplos de la vida real y enseanzas practicas, nos capacita a cada uno de nosotros para:

    *Reemplazar el discurso hiriente con discurso util
    *Elegir el honor sobre el odio
    *Reconocer las oportunidades cotidianas para difundir el amor de Dios
    *Descubrir el valor para dar un paso al frente con bondad

    La bondad es contagiosa. Es hora de dejar que el amor de Dios encienda un movimiento contracultural que venza el mal con el bien.

    Selfishness, pride, and hostility dominate the headlines, social media, and everyday interactions. But what if every Christian did one simple act of kindness each week? What if offering to carry groceries for someone who is struggling could spark a revolution?

    With rousing encouragement and biblical insight, Dr. Tony Evans shows how, when God’s kindness changes us, we can change the world. Through real-life examples and practical teaching, he empowers each of us to:

    *Replace hurtful speech with helpful speech
    *Choose honor over hate
    *Recognize everyday opportunities to spread God’s love
    *Discover the courage to step out in kindness

    Kindness is catching. It’s time to let God’s love ignite a countercultural movement that overcomes evil with good.

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  • Crown That Lasts


    In A Crown that Lasts, former Miss Universe and Miss South Africa Demi Tebow confesses the danger of tying our identities to our accomplishments. Discover the truth of who you were created to be and how to use your platform, no matter how big or small, for eternal impact.

    On this earth, a crown is what separates victors from the rest of the competitors, but the goal of creating a life worth living is not to gain a trophy, get a prize, or keep the crown. Our lives are not meant to be about being number one or making our own names known. While walking you through the journey of her evolving confidence–from basing her identity on temporary labels and her own efforts, to discovering the rock-solid security of anchoring her dreams in her Maker–Demi weaves her story together with the insights she’s learned along the way.

    A Crown that Lasts will show you how to:

    *Relate to the discomfort, confusion, and doubt that arises when you base your confidence on external things,

    *Discover God-confidence when your plans take unexpected detours,

    *Know what do when planted in unknown territory,

    *Use your story to grow an eternal impact, and

    *Stay grounded in the truth of who you are in Christ.

    The purpose of our lives is to love and serve God and others. Demi shows how you can be encouraged to focus not just on your aspirations, but on your greater purpose and leave behind a footprint of significance, not just success.

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  • What Happens Next


    Be Prepared, Not Scared

    Are we living in the end times? If so, what does that mean for you?

    In contrast to the confusion and anxiety that often comes with this topic, Max Lucado believes God wants us to be prepared, not scared; informed, not intimidated. He writes: “The future is not frightening if you know the future. And you can know the future when you know who holds it.”

    What Happens Next is an optimistic, accessible, and nonsensational guide to what the Bible says about heaven’s time line that will empower you to face the future with faith. Max takes you on a well-researched overview of what God’s Word says, exploring the following four big ideas that provide a solid foundation for understanding God’s eternal plan:

    *We were made to reign with Christ.
    *God has made and will keep his promises.
    *Heaven has a time line.
    *A golden era-the millennium-awaits God’s children.

    Plus, Max takes you on a journey of the time line of history, examining essential milestones such as the rapture, the seven years of tribulation, and the glory of heaven.

    Whether you find yourself in the “I can’t wait,” “I’m almost ready,” or “I’m not sure about all of this” camp, you will be encouraged to ponder God’s promises for the future.

    In Max’s signature encouraging style, he reminds us, “It’s all about hope. It’s all about him.”

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  • Abide In Christ (Deluxe)


    Accept God’s Invitation to Unspeakable Joy

    This beautiful, hardcover edition of Andrew Murray’s classic work Abide in Christ will make a perfect gift for your loved ones or a welcome addition to your own library.
    You will find thirty-one heart-searching readings that will show you how to live each day in closer communion and fellowship with our Savior.

    Instead of accepting God’s invitation to enter His throne room, many Christians stand alone outside the door, uncertain and ashamed. Christ beckons them to His banquet table and offers them a room in His house, but they fearfully or foolishly give up the glorious life He has offered. They come to Jesus as Redeemer but never go beyond the doorway to abide in Him and dwell with the King of Kings.

    Murray discovered what it means to abide continually in God’s presence and earnestly shares his heartfelt advice with readers. His prayer was that all of God’s children would receive the rich and blessed experience of abiding in Christ. Cross the threshold now and accept God’s invitation to live joyfully with Him.

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  • Deep Roots Good Fruit


    What does the fruit of the Spirit look like in everyday life, and how can we become the people the Holy Spirit calls us to be?

    Author Kristin Elizabeth Couch invites you to explore the fruit of the Spirit through captivating stories of people she’s known: there’s a father who goes missing in a snowstorm; a boss who shouts like a drill sergeant; a neighbor with a refrigerator full of eggs; and Grandpa, who smells of Old Spice!

    By combining memorable stories with rich meditations on Scripture, Kristin encourages us to see that God is at work even in life’s mundane moments, and that although our growth may seem slow, in the Spirit’s power we really can become more like Jesus.

    As you reflect on the fruit of the Spirit, you will long for it more deeply, pray for it more fervently, and see afresh how the Spirit is at work in your own life and the lives of others. Put deep roots into God’s word and enjoy bearing more and more of his good fruit.

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  • 90 Days Of Breakthrough


    Your 90-Day Guide to Invading the Heavens and Releasing Supernatural Breakthrough over Your Life! As a believer, heaven is open to you! Is that your everyday reality? Or do you need a supernatural breakthrough?

    In this practical, power-packed, easy-to-read collection of ninety declarations, you will be empowered by the Word of God and the revelatory teaching of Dr. Kynan Bridges to release the miraculous in your life and receive the breakthrough that you need.

    Step by step, you’ll gain confidence, clarity, and authority to claim the promises of God for your family, your future, your finances, and your faith. Each day includes a brief teaching, a declaration, a prayer, and a Scripture. Together, they deliver a power punch of supernatural authority. Open your arms to receive all that God has promised you from His open heaven! Your breakthrough has never been this close.

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  • 50 Maneras De Bendecir A Tus H – (Spanish)


    El proposito de este libro es animar a padres y abuelos a bendecir a sus hijos y nietos en el santo nombre de Jehova Dios. Podemos esperar que Dios haga grandes y maravillosas obras cuando llevamos en oraciones las promesas con bendiciones que sean apropiadas para ellos y que esten especi?camente adaptadas a sus edades, personalidades, caracteres y talentos. Debemos asegurarnos de que nuestras bendiciones esten en linea con las promesas de Dios y encajen con sus planes y propositos para las personas a las que estamos bendiciendo. Cuando bendigas a tus hijos en el nombre del Seor, veras que Dios llena sus vidas de cosas buenas y salvacion, incluso a los hijos de tus hijos. Como creyentes y herederos del reino de Dios, debemos aprender a tomar nuestra autoridad y reclamar la abundante herencia prometida a nuestros hijos y nietos.

    The purpose of this book is to encourage parents and grandparents to bless their children and grandchildren in the holy name of Jehovah God. We can expect God to do great and wonderful works when we pray the promises with blessings that are appropriate for them and specifically adapted to their ages, personalities, characters, and talents. We must ensure that our blessings align with God’s promises and fit with his plans and purposes for the people we are blessing. When you bless your children in the name of the Lord, you will see that God fills their lives with good things and salvation, even to your children’s children. As believers and heirs of God’s kingdom, we must learn to take our authority and claim the abundant inheritance promised to our children and grandchildren.

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  • 2 Kinds Of Knowledge


    Mankind’s great body of knowledge has come to us through the five senses. Sense knowledge can see the handiwork of God and can see the design in creation, but it cannot find the Designer. In fact, it’s often unwilling to admit that there is a Designer because it cannot see, hear, taste, smell, or touch Him.

    Sense knowledge says that faith cannot produce miracles. It does not know why we were created, nor can it tell us the source of life, light, motion, gravity, or hundreds of other things.

    But revelation knowledge holds all of these answers and more.

    In The Two Kinds of Knowledge: God’s Wisdom Is Greater Than Our Senses, E. W. Kenyon explains how we can discover the wisdom of God in His Word.

    This new kind of knowledge, which the secular world cannot grasp, brings us to a new kind of life, taking us out of our failures and weaknesses to fill our hungry hearts with love, faith, and grace.

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  • Resting Your Heart In Him


    Resting Your Heart in Him: Confessions to a Loving God highlights insights and wisdom drawn from The Confessions of Saint Augustine, the spiritual autobiography that has inspired Christians for centuries, as well as excerpts from Augustine’s other works.
    Threaded throughout these quotations are tranquil illustrations of foliage and other scenes from nature. Enjoy this book for spiritual encouragement and growth, as a guide in your daily prayers and devotional time, and as an introduction to the writings of one of the greatest leaders in Christian history.

    Augustine’s meditations about his life in the light of Scripture include not only an admission of his sins but also an acknowledgment of God’s greatness, grace, and truth. We can rest our hearts in God because we know that whatever we are confessing to Him–whether our worries, our sins, our praises, or our trust–we are coming before a loving God. He forgives us completely and welcomes us into His presence. He exchanges our sins for His own righteousness and guides us in His ways.

    With Augustine, confess your struggles and doubts before God. Declare your love for Him and your faith in Him. As you do, you will grow closer to the One in whom your heart finds ultimate peace and rest.

    “You made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.” –Saint Augustine

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  • Only Believe For The Holy Spirit


    Only Believe for the Holy Spirit is a journey through the timeless words and teachings of Smith Wigglesworth as he explores the mystery, depth, glory, and power of the Holy Spirit. This ninety-day devotional is a powerful guide to gaining knowledge about the Holy Spirit and unlocking the Spirit’s power in our lives.

    Jesus’s disciples weren’t the only ones entrusted with the power of the Holy Spirit. We can also receive that power if we only believe. Wigglesworth mentions, “There is a place where God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, reigns supreme in our lives.”

    The Holy Spirit reveals who we are and reveals who God is. A life filled with the Holy Spirit urges us toward purity, energizes our boldness for God, and promotes victory.

    The Holy Spirit is our continual help and strength as we navigate the circumstances of life. God has given us life in the Holy Spirit until we live eternally with Him.

    Only Believe for the Holy Spirit will revolutionize the way you see the Holy Spirit and spur you on to make a difference for God’s kingdom. God is waiting for people who dare to believe, and when you believe, the possibilities are endless.

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  • Wise Moms : A Guide For Building Your Home On Christ


    Build Your Marriage and Family on a Firm Foundation

    Moms need solid ground to build their homes on. Proverbs 14:1 states, “The wise woman builds her house,” but how does this work? The only sure foundation is Christ. Linda Ruth Reeb offers moms who seek wisdom a guidebook on how to build every aspect of their home on the foundation of Christ.

    Wise Moms is structured into four phases, which address four key aspects of a mom’s life: her relationship with God, her spouse, her children, and the world beyond her home. Sharing personal stories, biblical insights, and practical advice Linda encourages moms to nurture their spiritual journey, partnering with God to build a solid marriage and family.

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  • I Surrender All


    All To Him I Freely Give

    From Priscilla Shirer comes this fervent appeal and invitation to surrender everything to Jesus. To follow Him not just as your Savior but as your priority, your first love, your Lord. To move beyond being a believer to becoming His disciple.

    Because there is a difference.

    Salvation is a gift of God. It’s free. It’s grace. It’s the cross. Discipleship comes at a high cost. It’s surrender. It’s effort. It’s a daily choice to lay down your life and follow His. Few believers choose this route, but the ones who do will experience the abundance that only the surrendered life can offer. It’s the one choice standing between you and the life of freedom and fulfillment, of peace and purpose you’ve always wanted. I Surrender All is all about making that choice.

    The choice that changes everything.

    This book will be impossible to simply read because it beckons you to make a decision about the kind of Christian you will be. Prepare to engage, to write, to pray, and be called into a surrendered life. An abundant life. A disciple’s life.

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  • Count Me In


    Today’s students are constantly pulled toward a life of confusion and half-baked beliefs. But Jesus Christ is calling them to something greater than anything this world can offer. He offers eternal life that includes a living relationship with God, a radical commitment to truth, and a life of love, compassion, and purpose. A radical life that counts now and in eternity.

    Count Me In walks students through the entire Gospel of Luke and Jesus’s bold invitation to follow Him daily, obey Him faithfully, and trust Him completely. Each of the eight chapters focuses on an important element of discipleship, from studying Scripture to sharing Jesus with others. Students will be challenged with:

    * Do I value the right relationships?
    * Do I have a healthy perspective of my earthly stuff?
    * Do I let temptation and sin block my spiritual growth?
    * Do I have a plan to keep my life intentionally grounded in Christ?

    Including reflection questions and discussion guides, this book can easily work for solo readers or group studies. Students should feel inspired to take on a deeper study of Scripture and challenged to take Christ’s call of discipleship seriously in their own lives.

    Jesus chose young followers in the first century and invites today’s generation of young people to follow Him now. To know Him, love Him, and make Him known. To surrender and put Him first in every area. To be a part of His message and His mission to the nations. Count Me In will engage students to hear the amazing call of Jesus and to boldly live out their faith every day.

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  • Devoted To Jesus


    Jesus started His ministry saying, “Come, follow Me,” and finished it by saying, “Go, make disciples.”

    Between these two challenges, His followers learned they could trust Him completely with every area of their lives.

    From the writing team behind The Love Dare and The Battle Plan for Prayer, and the movie producers of The Forge and War Room, comes an exciting new resource for anyone who desires to grow spiritually and become an on-fire, all-in follower of Jesus.

    Have you ever been personally discipled? Do you desire to walk closer to Jesus but wish someone would show you how? How can your faith become a thriving relationship instead of a religious duty? What are the keys to assurance of salvation, abiding in Christ, praying effectively, overcoming trials, and deeply loving others?

    Packed with 52 topical chapters-ideal for reading daily or weekly-and presented with refreshing clarity, Devoted to Jesus is designed to help both new and mature believers grow together. This is a journey you’ll first want to experience yourself and then utilize to invest into others.

    They first learned to be His disciples, then helped others as disciple-makers. . . and so can you.

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  • Principios Milenarios – (Spanish)


    Principios Milenarios nos presenta las leyes espirituales que debemos acatar para que nuestra vida terrenal sea mas liviana. “Nunca sera tan facil”, comenta Tiago Brunet, “pero no es necesario que sea tan sufrida”. Lo que garantiza nuestra proteccion emocional, familiar y financiera es el cumplimiento de los principios que estan generando resultados en las vidas de las personas desde hace mas de 2000 aos. En la trama, no solo encontraras personajes biblicos, sino tambien a personas no cristianas de nuestra generacion que, por cumplir estos principios, marcaron la generacion.

    Ancient Principles introduces us to the spiritual laws that we must abide by so that our earthly life is lighter. “It will never be so easy,” says Tiago Brunet, “but it doesn’t have to be so hard”. What guarantees our emotional, family and financial protection is compliance with the principles that have been generating results in people’s lives for more than 2,000 years. You will discover not only biblical characters, but also non-Christian people of our generation who, by complying with these principles, marked the generation.

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  • Empowered To Love


    Discover how to build a fulfilling, God-honoring marriage that you both love.

    When life throws us non-stop challenges and curveballs, how can we have any hope of building a fulfilling and intimate marriage? How do we move from stressed and stretched to energized and inspired, finding the strength to transform both our lives and relationship?

    Robert Paul and Tara Lalonde equip husbands and wives with practical, biblically-based tools to transform their personal lives and grow their marriage into something they’ll both love. Instead of just passively hoping and praying for something better, couples will actively embark on a journey of caring for themselves and their most important relationship. In Empowered to Love, you will discover:

    *Practical strategies for better self-care, enabling you to bring the best, healthiest, and most-whole version of you to your marriage.

    *Thought-provoking exercises designed to empower you as an individual while fostering deeper connections with your spouse.

    *Ways to pursue and significantly increase the romance in your marriage.

    *Stories about marriage that will help you identify what relationship strategies work best

    *Insights on forgiveness, your responsibility as a spouse, and caring for your emotions

    Invest in your future, both as an individual and as a spouse. Embark on a transformative journey that will help both you and your marriage thrive.

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  • Great Outdoors Devotional


    The earth. . .
    the animals and plants. . .
    the sun and the stars. . .
    all tell of God if we’ll simply listen.

    This devotional is perfect for guys who love God’s creation. The 100 readings draw parallels between your Christian faith and all the fascinating features of the outdoors:

    *the night sky
    *and much more

    Each encouraging reading is accompanied by a relevant scripture, questions for further thought, and a prayer starter to focus your mind on the God who made the great outdoors and all the wonderful things in it.

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  • Long Obedience In The Same Direction Commemorative Edition


    Over 300,000 Copies Sold

    Since Eugene Peterson first wrote this spiritual formation classic more than forty years ago, hundreds of thousands of Christians have been inspired by its call to deeper discipleship. As a society, we are still obsessed with the immediate, but Peterson’s time-tested prescription for discipleship remains the same-a long obedience in the same direction.

    Long obedience requires a deepening life of prayer. Peterson finds encouragement for today’s pilgrims in the Songs of Ascents (Psalms 120-134), sung by travelers on their way to worship in Jerusalem. With prophetic and pastoral wisdom, Peterson shows how the psalms teach us to grow in worship, service, joy, work, happiness, humility, community, and blessing.

    This commemorative edition of A Long Obedience in the Same Direction includes a preface taken from Leif Peterson’s eulogy at his father’s memorial service and a bibliography of Peterson’s works. A companion Bible study guide is also available.

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  • Fe Mas Perfecta – (Spanish)


    En mi ministerio, dificilmente ha habido una serie de sermones a la que haya dedicado mas tiempo, mas sufrimiento y mas oracion que a esta serie sobre Filipenses 3.– A. W. Tozer

    A. W. Tozer considero estos sermones como los mas importantes que jamas predico. Al analizar en profundidad Filipenses 3, Tozer creia que la mayoria de los seguidores de Cristo llevaban vidas deficientes y describe al cristiano como un Lazaro moderno que escucha el llamado de Jesus, pero no puede despojarse del sudario ni liberarse de la tumba.

    En esta serie de sermones ineditos, Tozer nos recuerda que nuestra fe en Cristo no es un fin en si mismo, sino el punto de partida en un viaje que nos conducira por varias etapas de crecimiento espiritual, como describe el apostol Pablo en Filipenses 3, en completa adoracion a nuestro Salvador.

    Una fe mas profunda nos ofrece las claves para:

    *avanzar hacia la perfeccion en nuestra vida cristiana;
    *descubrir la belleza de Jesucristo;
    *identificar los obstaculos en nuestro camino;
    *ser libres para adorar a Cristo con gozo.

    There has hardly ever been in my ministry a series of sermons to which I have given more time, more pain and more prayer than I did to this series from Philippians 3.

    A. W. Tozer called these sermons the most important he ever preached. Looking closely at Philippians 3, he describes the Christian as a modern-day Lazarus who hears the call to arise–but can’t escape the grave clothes. In this new series of sermon transcriptions, Tozer shows us how to live with freedom.

    Toward a more perfect faith gives us Tozer’s sermons on:

    *Considering Perfection in the Christian Life
    *Four Kinds of Christians
    *Discovering the Loveliness of Jesus Christ
    *The Will of God and Its Relationship to Our Cross
    *The Obstacle of Self Trust
    *Living in His Righteousness . . . and more.

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  • Renueva Tu Mente – (Spanish)


    Nuestra mente no se renueva por si misma. Se renueva desde el espiritu, dia a dia, cuando Cristo vive en ti. Renueva tu mente, inspirado en el libro de Galatas, te lleva a entender el proceso de la verdadera transformacion permanente de tu mente. Comienzas recibiendo de Dios su capacidad divina, la valentia de Cristo, y una provision extraordinaria en todo, lo espiritual y lo fisico. El se convierte en tu guia interior y te da sus fuerzas y sus recursos; te renueva con su luz para que seas la luz de los demas. Cual es su proposito? Que administres y compartas todo lo que Dios te da, y lo “gastes” en los seres humanos, para que se multiplique lo que recibes de El y puedas seguirlo dando. Vives con Cristo en tu memoria y andas en el espiritu mientras ves dia a dia tu renovacion mental a traves de la vida de Cristo en ti. El objetivo final es que seas luz para todos.

    Our mind does not renew itself. It is renewed from the Spirit, day by day, when Christ lives in you. Renew Your Mind, inspired by the book of Galatians, leads you to understand the process of the true permanent transformation of your mind. You begin by receiving from God His divine capacity, the courage of Christ, and an extraordinary provision in everything, spiritual and physical. He becomes your inner guide and gives you His strength and resources; He renews you with His light so that you may be the light of others. What is the purpose of it? May you manage and share everything that God gives you, and “spend” it on human beings, so what you receive from Him is multiplied and you can continue giving it away. You live with Christ in your memory and walk in the Spirit as you see, day by day, your mental renewal through the life of Christ in you. The final goal is that you be a light for everyone.

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  • Bread For The Soul


    The Bread for the Soul Brown Faux Leather Devotional beautifully illustrates the unity among believers. This compilation, which includes 366 devotions authored by pastors from North America and the United Kingdom, offers daily spiritual sustenance and inspiration drawn from the breadth of Scripture, inviting readers into a shared journey of faith and reflection.

    The cover, crafted in supple brown faux leather, features a subtly heat-debossed border and decorative corner designs. At its center, a heat-debossed diamond-shaped frame sets off the gold-foiled title with some flair.

    Bread For The Soul

    Nourishing your Faith Daily

    Topstitching along the edges of the faux leather binding enhances its aesthetic appeal and ensures durability. A brown satin ribbon marker is included, perfect for keeping your place as you progress through the devotional. The pages are edged with shimmering gilt, adding an elegant sheen that beautifully complements the cover design.

    Captivating full-color nature images greet you as you open the devotional, creating a sense of wonder and marking the beginning of each month’s content. The Table of Contents, conveniently located at the front, provides a snapshot of what to expect, while an introduction from the authors prepares you for a yearlong exploration of Scripture. Additionally, a presentation page illustrated with a majestic mountain vista can be inscribed with a message when this devotional is given as a gift.

    The Bread for the Soul Brown Faux Leather Devotional draws from the experience and wisdom of twelve pastors living in North America and the United Kingdom. Each month, a different writer considers a section from the Bible and offers a daily reflection on how that portion of Scripture nourishes the soul. Though the writers are from different countries and different churches, they are united in their commitment to the Word of God as the “bread” that God’s people need to thrive. Bread for the Soul helps Christians find this daily source of spiritual nourishment.

    Each daily entry highlights a Scripture verse and a suggested Scripture reading before offering a hearty devotional passage.

    Joel R. Beeke edited the contributions to Bread for the Soul. He is a pastor of Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and professor of systematic theology and homiletics and chancellor at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He has edited and written hundreds of books and articles and frequently spea

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  • 5 Minute Devotions For Men


    Daily Strength for Men

    This collection of brief, powerful devotions from bestselling author Bob Barnes provides you wise guidance for shaping godly character. Topics such as being dependable, trusting in God’s provision, and choosing to receive and give grace are just what you need for starting or ending the day well, especially amid hectic schedules and difficult life moments.

    Each entry contains a short devotion, practical action step, and a prayer. Quick and compelling, these engaging words of encouragement are perfect for refreshing times of connecting with God, who wants the best for you every day.

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  • Bit Of Earth


    Prayers, poetry, and Scripture for a life in the garden

    In A Bit of Earth, Andrea G. Burke looks at the seasonal practice and common grace of gardening through a devotional lens. Part memoir, part prayer book, A Bit of Earth weaves care and intent through moments of ordinary living. This book is a lifelong resource of Scripture, poetry, and prose on the life of faith for contemplatives, gardeners, and believers.

    God walks in the garden at the cool of the day. The Lord is with us when we dream about what plants to grow and when we drag our feet to pull weeds. He is with us when we preserve the fruit of our hard labors. He is with us even when we weep at the desolate, snowbound landscape of winter.

    Whether you’re new to gardening or already have a green thumb, anyone can learn how to garden and cultivate the soil of their hearts through A Bit of Earth.

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  • 2025 Planner Pause And Pray


    Want to discover the secret to a fulfilling life?

    Ideal for personal, business, or school use, this practical and encouraging Pause and Pray 17-month planner includes inspiring monthly devotional-like prayers, plus faith-building scripture selections and prayer starters for every week of the calendar year. Featuring monthly and weekly calendars, a year-at-a-glance section, pages for frequent contacts, and more, this planner offers an important reminder for organizing the details of everyday life: the all-powerful God you serve is interested in everything you have to say–every day of the year!

    Features of this 2025 Planner:

    *17-Month Planner Spans August 2024 through December 2025!
    *Monthly & Weekly Calendars & Goal-Setting Sections
    *Delightful, Two-Color Interior Design
    *Monthly Inspiring Devotional-like Prayers
    *Encouraging Prayers & Scripture Selections on Every Spread
    *Generous Space for Recording Appointments and Events
    *Durable, but Flexible, Cover

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  • 2025 Planner Breathing Room For My Soul


    Need some spiritual breathing room in your busy life?

    Ideal for personal, business, or school use, this Breathing Room for My Soul 17-month planner includes uplifting, truth-filled monthly devotional readings, plus faith-building scripture selections and devotional-like thoughts for every week of the year. Featuring monthly and weekly calendars, a year-at-a-glance section, pages for frequent contacts, and more, this planner offers an important reminder for your lovely heart: when the world feels like it’s closing in, when the stresses of life threaten to stifle your contentment and steal your joy. . .there is one who offers breathing room for your soul–and His name is Jesus.

    Features of this 2025 Planner:

    *17-Month Planner Spans August 2024 through December 2025!
    *Monthly & Weekly Calendars, To-Do Lists & Goal-Setting Sections
    *Delightful, Two-Color Interior Design
    *Monthly Inspiring Devotional Readings
    *Encouraging Thoughts & Scripture Selections on Every Spread
    *Generous Space for Recording Appointments and Events
    *Soft Touch, Leather-like Cover

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  • Rebecoming : Come Out Of Hiding To Live As Your God-Given Essential Self


    Finding our true selves has become the call of authentic living. But this is where we can get it wrong and inadvertently pursue the wrong things. Living out of our true selves isn’t just about becoming–it’s about unbecoming all the things we believed we had to be to be loved and rebecoming our essential, God-given selves.

    In this practical book, clinical psychologist Dr. Merry C. Lin guides you through a self-discovery process toward life-changing, daily transformation. She shows you how to:

    – understand what motivates you and why you do what you do
    – identify things you do out of fear and self-protection
    – develop true resilience to handle the challenges of life
    – experience joy as you experience success in pursuing your dreams
    – and more

    Ready to live out of your healthiest, most integrated self to fulfill God’s purposes for your life? It’s time to embark on your own journey of rebecoming.

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  • Little Habits Big Faith


    Feeling daunted by how to help your kids really grow in their faith? It ‘ s time to start little.

    We want our kids to know God. We know we’re supposed to disciple them. But parenthood is hard, and we’re busy, tired, and often feel unequipped. What if our kids don’t seem all that interested or can’t sit still long enough for us to read the Bible?

    Christie Thomas has a secret for you: helping your kids connect with God is way easier than you think. It all starts with 30 seconds a day–and the power of a simple habit. Through Christie’s empowering, encouraging insights, you’ll discover how to overcome common struggles, implement easy practices that fit your unique kids, and change your family’s faith culture. In this book, you will:

    *discover how to make Scripture and spiritual practices come alive for short attention spans

    *learn simple steps for developing faith through the Faith Growth Cycle and its three stages- seed, sprout, and root.

    *develop practical strategies for establishing consistent habits

    Life-changing moments can come out of simple habits. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the things you’re supposed to do to teach your kids about God, Little Habits, Big Faith shows you how to leverage the power of small, consistent choices with confidence. God can use even the smallest step to change how your family grows in faith.

    In addition to key points at the end of each chapter, there is an appendix full of topical resources for parents to quickly reference:

    *Ideas for little habits
    *Keystone habits
    *Prompts & rewards
    *Rooted resources

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