Provision Sobrenatural – (Spanish)
Dios sana a los creyentes no solo fisicamente, emocionalmente y espiritualmente, sino tambien financieramente. Hablando por experiencia personal en vencer las dificultades financieras, la autora de exitos de ventas Joan Hunter comparte sabiduria biblica y le muestra como:
*Ver victorias milagrosas
*Vencer la pobreza y la perdida
*Llegar a estar libre de deudas
*Prosperar en medio de la adversidad
*Tener todas sus necesidades satisfechas
*Aplicar secretos para formar riqueza
*Prosperar en tiempos de incertidumbre
*Abrir las ventanas de los cielos
Usted puede caminar en las abundantes bendiciones de Dios.
God heals believers not only physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but financially, as well. Speaking from personal experience with overcoming financial hardships, best-selling author Joan Hunter shares biblical wisdom and shows you how to:
*See miraculous breakthroughs
*Overcome poverty and loss
*Become debt-free
*Prosper in the midst of adversity
*Have all your needs met
*Apply wealth-building secrets
*Thrive in uncertain times
*Unlock the windows of heaven
You can walk in God’s abundant blessings.
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SKU (ISBN): 9781603744997
UPC: 630809744999
Language: Spanish
Joan Hunter
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: April 2012
Publisher: Whitaker House Publishers
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