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  • Why Marriage Counseling Fails


    Like life itself, marriage has moments of joy…and sorrow. As difficult as marriage can be, many who have said “I do” try to stick it out when problems arise because the alternative–being alone–is not very appealing. If the couple truly wants to save their marriage, they usually turn to counseling.

    Unfortunately, most marriage counseling ends with the couple dropping out and then, more often than not, ending their relationship. In some cases, the problem is not the couple but their choice of counselor. One who is poorly trained, disinterested, or obviously biased can destroy a marriage.

    Why Marriage Counseling Fails explores different scenarios that cause problems for couples as well as the different types of counselors who can help or harm a marriage. Dr. David B. Hawkins has more than forty-five years of experience as a marriage counselor and has helped thousands of couples save their marriages.

    “Sadly, when it comes to reaching out for help for marriage counseling, few have a sense of trust and confidence in their counselor,” he says. “Stories abound about how they came out of a counseling session worse than when they went in.”

    Dr. Hawkins defines the “five I’s” of a qualified marriage counselor as one who:

    *Offers wise instruction
    *Takes an active interest in the couple
    *Offers insight into why problems recur
    *Is willing to work intensively
    *Works in-depth to help the couple find long-term solutions

    Why Marriage Counseling Fails offers insights into marital issues, the brokenness of the counseling system, how to find good help, and how to insist upon effective help when turning to a counselor.

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  • Fuego De La Presencia De Dios – (Spanish)


    Alguna vez ha experimentado realmente la presencia de Dios? Si no es asi, que cree que se interpone en el camino?

    Cuando Moises se encontro con Dios en la zarza ardiente, eso cambio su vida y su percepcion de lo que es Dios. En ese momento en que la zarza ardia, empezo a comprender y a apreciar lo sagrado de la adoracion. La adoracion apropiada tiene que encajar con lo que estamos adorando; por lo que si adoramos a Dios, debemos hacerlo en sus terminos. Esto implica tener un espiritu de reverencia y santidad, como Moises al quitarse el calzado y arrodillarse ante El.

    El fuego de la zarza no atemorizo a Moises, sino que hizo derramar la esencia de lo sagrado en su vida. Le hizo experimentar la presencia de Dios en una manera que nunca habia sentido. Permita que este libro le ensee como encontrar a Dios al igual que Moises.

    What Would It Be Like to Encounter God Face-to-Face?

    Have you ever truly experienced God’s presence? If not, what do you think is getting in the way?

    When Moses met God at the burning bush, it changed his life and his perception of who God is. In that burning-bush moment, he began to understand and appreciate the sacredness of worship. Proper worship has to fit the one we are worshiping, so if we are worshiping God, we must do it on His terms. This means having a spirit of reverence and holiness–like Moses taking off his shoes and kneeling before Him.

    The bush’s fire did not frighten Moses, but rather it poured the essence of sacredness into his life. It gave him an experience of God’s presence he had never had before. Let this book teach you how, like Moses, to encounter God afresh.

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  • Nube Por El Dia Fuego Por La N – (Spanish)


    !Descubra a donde le esta guiando Dios!

    Como puedo saber la voluntad de Dios para mi? Esta es una pregunta que nos persigue a todos; a veces surge cuando estamos buscando el trabajo adecuado, pensando en mudarnos a una nueva ciudad o decidiendo si nos casamos. En cada etapa de la vida tenemos decisiones dificiles que tomar, por lo que anhelamos la instruccion de Dios y la tierna seguridad de que vamos por el camino correcto.

    Nube por el dia, fuego por la noche es una compilacion de las enseanzas de A.W. Tozer acerca de la voluntad de Dios. Una obra extraida de los sermones que predico el autor en su exitosa congregacion Southside Alliance Church, en Chicago, y cuyo titulo proviene de la hazaa por la que Dios saco a su pueblo de Egipto y lo condujo a la tierra prometida.

    A Tozer no le era extrao enfrentar decisiones dificiles. Su sabiduria y su discernimiento biblico le ayudaran a usted en la toma de sus propias decisiones y a asegurarse de la presencia de Dios en cada paso del camino.

    How can I know God’s will for me, personally? It’s a question that haunts us all at times–maybe when we’re looking for the right job, thinking about moving to a new city, or deciding whether or not to get married. At every stage we have difficult decisions to make, and we long for God’s direction and his warm reassurance that we’re heading the right way.

    A Cloud by Day, a Fire by Night captures A.W. Tozer’s teaching on the will of God. Taken from sermons he preached at Southside Alliance Church, his successful church in Chicago, the title comes from the story of God leading His people out of Egypt and into the promised land.

    Tozer was no stranger to facing difficult decisions. His wisdom and biblical insight will help guide you in decisions of your own, nd reassure you that the presence of God will be by your side every step of the way.

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  • Never Ashamed : Stories Of Sharing Faith With Scoffers And Skeptics


    Most books on evangelism deal primarily with different approaches to sharing the good news. From street ministry to personal witnessing, books abound on how to present the gospel in a variety of ways and situations.

    But Never Ashamed isn’t a book about how. Rather, it’s a book about why. Author Avi Snyder explains:

    *Why we mustn’t be ashamed of sharing the good news in an open and direct fashion.

    *Why believers find it difficult to share the good news of salvation, despite the variety of fruit that always abounds.

    *Why non-believers often choose to walk away from the claims of the Messiah, even when they know or at least suspect in their hearts that His claims are true.

    *Why the early church felt compelled to proclaim His message, regardless of the risks and costs.

    More than this, however, Never Ashamed is a book of stories:

    *The man who told Avi he wouldn’t stop him from jumping out a window.

    *The Marxist lady trying to figure him out who eventually concluded he was a provocateur

    *The woman who prayed for God to give her compassion like Him and wept when she received it

    *The Soviet guard who helped Avi’s team pass out literature

    These and many more encounters that Avi shares will make you laugh, cry, and be filled with joy at the winsome ways in which he brings people to Jesus.

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  • Mi Amigo Le Encanta La Musica – (Spanish)


    En este tercer libro de la serie Cuentos para dormir que te haran despertar, Ana Belen, Javi y su perrito Yakob viven una aventura super emocionante en un magico viaje al Mundo de la Musica.

    Los relatos y cuentos que sus papas y abuelitos van a transmitirles, los haran vibrar de emocion, aunque alguno de ellos tambien les daran un poquito de miedo: “Me habian dicho que la musica puede hacerte reir, y tambien llorar, pero ahora se que, ademas, puede hacerte temblar. !Si! Temblar de emocion… pero tambien de miedo”. Asi lo expresa Ana Belen despues de escuchar una de las historias.

    Finalmente llegan a entusiasmarse tanto con la musica que Javi quiere inscribirse en un conservatorio. La porcion biblica con la que van a familiarizarse es el Salmo 150.

    In this third book in the series Bedtime Stories that Will Wake You Up, Ana Belen, Javi and their puppy Yakob live a super exciting adventure on a magical journey to the World of Music.

    The stories that their parents and grandparents are going to transmit to them will make them tremble with emotion, although some of them will also give them a little fear: “They had told me that music can make you laugh, and also cry, but now I know that. Furthermore, it can make you shiver. Yes! Tremble with emotion…but also with fear.” This is how Ana Belen expresses it after listening to one of the stories.

    Finally they become so enthusiastic about music that Javi wants to enroll in a conservatory. The portion of the Bible that you are going to become familiar with is Psalm 150.

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  • Courage : A Message From Heaven


    Throughout history, all of the greatest men and women of God needed courage to fulfill their destinies. From Abraham to the men and women of the first century church who spread the gospel, all needed courage to hold fast to their faith during numerous trials and tribulations.

    “We need that same courage today,” says author Branden Brim. “We live in a time of uncertainty, a time where fear is being spread, and Christians are being discouraged. But we don’t have to give in! We can be bold because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. Because of His sacrifice, we can be as bold as lions!”

    In his book Courage: A Message from Heaven, Branden shares personal, modern-day, and biblical stories of courage, how it’s obtained, why it’s needed, and how standing on God’s promises can grow both courage and faith. He also shares dreams and visions he received from the Holy Spirit that have encouraged him in his own life and ministry.

    “Before writing this book, the Lord showed me a vision of the importance of courage,” Branden says. “After having that vision, I knew that the only way I could accomplish the will of God in my life was to have courage, and I believe that sentiment rings true for everyone living in the world today.”

    It is his hope that Courage: A Message from Heaven will make you bolder and more determined to achieve all that God has planned for you.

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  • Rediscovering You : Solving Your Personality Puzzle To Enhance Your Life


    “Who are you?” the Caterpillar asked Alice in Wonderland.

    It’s a question that many of us might ask ourselves. What makes us grumpy one day and cheerful the next? Why would some of us prefer to receive little love notes from our spouse rather than a back rub? What makes some people behave like Energizer bunnies until they collapse? In short, what makes us tick?

    Author Craig Walker sets out to put the puzzle pieces together in Rediscovering You. He merges personality tests, the Enneagram, the Five Love Languages, and the Word of God into one mosaic to provide you with a detailed and accurate self-portrait so that you can see yourself as you truly are, with all of your strengths, weaknesses, and complexities.

    “Decades of conducting counseling sessions taught me that self-awareness is the single greatest leap forward to personal happiness and better relationships,” Craig says. “The Word of God, personality, Enneagram, and love languages honestly answer the question, ‘Who are you?’ Knowing that answer will change everything. It will create a ripple effect across all of your relationships.”

    Rediscovering You uses Scripture to address three areas:

    *Personality, the way we operate day to day
    *The Enneagram, what motivates us to do what we do
    *Love Languages, how we give and receive love

    “This book will speak to those who truly want to learn how to love others as they love themselves, but first, they must learn to love themselves as God sees them,” Craig says. “Taking a deep look into your personality, the personalities of specific men and women throughout Scripture, learning how you are truly meant to be loved, and being honest with yourself will together build a beautiful and unique tapestry of your identity in Christ.”

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  • His Grace Is Enough


    This illustrated, rhyming book will help parents explain to children the unique and wonderful Christian message of God’s grace–that Jesus offers forgiveness and allows us to move on from our mistakes.

    It can be used to share the heart of the Christian faith with children or to remind them that Jesus is the person to run to when they mess up.

    Children will learn that God’s grace is enough to cleanse and change us every day, as the book itself says…

    My child, here’s the truth:
    From God, you can’t hide
    He sees what you’ve done
    He knows what’s inside

    But please don’t despair
    There’s good news, I say!
    Whatever you do
    God’s grace makes a way

    Yes, his grace is enough
    It’s so big and so free
    His grace is enough
    Both for you and for me

    This beautiful hardback book makes a great gift for children and even beyond.

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  • MotoRVation : One Motivational Speaker, One Recreational Vehicle, Zero Expe (DVD


    MOTORVATION Is a heart-filled, romantic comedy about Fatty Melvin, an awkward, lovable small-town janitor that comes from a long line of successful motivational speakers, but just doesn’t seem to have the gift. After a tragedy in the family, Fatty is forced to re-evaluate his life and finds himself having to face all his fears head on with the encouragement of some motivation from his beloved big brother. At the heart of MOTORVATION is the message that happiness is not found in the love of money, material things or the hope of a better tomorrow, but is found in the now, if we would just choose to live our lives for today.

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  • Awesome Super Fantastic Forever Party Colouring And Activity Book


    This coloring and activity book contains 32 pages of coloring, puzzles, mazes and activities.

    It is based around the Bible storybook by Joni Eareckson Tada, illustrated by Catalina Echeverri, which excites children with the truth about the future–that when Jesus comes back to this world, he will bring heaven with him. There will be a new creation and best of all we’ll be with Jesus, forever!

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  • Refreshed : Devotions For Your Time Away


    Vacations often give us an opportunity to rest and reflect. However, when our normal routines and habits are suspended, it can be hard to spend time with God.

    These 30 devotions have been specifically designed to help you to rest in the Lord’s goodness and glory during your time away so that you can return home feeling refreshed spiritually as well as physically.

    Author John Hindley, who also wrote Serving without Sinking, says this:

    “I want to help you find rest, peace, joy, hope, and renewed zeal. We go away to be refreshed. Christ is the one who sets his Spirit in our hearts to cause streams of living water to well up within us and flow from us. Sometimes we rest away from Jesus, but how much better to rest with and in him? He is where our true refreshment is found.”

    You can pick and choose which devotions to read depending on the type of vacation you are on (for example, city break or beach) and there are optional family activities and questions linked to each devotion giving other family members an opportunity to reflect alongside you.

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  • Awesome Super Fantastic Forever Party


    What will heaven be like? Answering this question for kids can be challenging, especially as it’s hard to get past the myths.

    This beautifully illustrated, biblically faithful storybook by Joni Eareckson Tada excites children with this truth–that when Jesus comes back to this world, he will bring heaven with him! There will be a new creation where we’ll have new hearts and a new body, living in a new city. And best of all, we’ll be with Jesus, forever! It will be better than we can ever imagine.

    Kids are encouraged to respond to Jesus’ invitation personally by repenting and believing. They will also be inspired to invite others, and to ask Jesus to come soon.

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  • My Jesus


    SKU (UPC): 602438574698Artist: Anne WilsonMedia: CDReleased: April 2022Capitol Christian Music Group Songs

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  • Long Road Home (Audio CD)


    Adventures in Odyssey audio dramas release the imagination of both young and old as listeners follow a host of characters through adventures in the town of Odyssey. Geared towards kids ages 8 and up, these high-quality audio dramas teach biblical truths and moral foundations for children to make decisions from throughout their lives. They are perfect for car rides and initiating important conversations with kids.

    In The Long Road Home, album #72 of the series, important lessons are learned about friendship, family, and judging others.

    “Have you ever considered that Mr. John Avery Whittaker has his own agenda?” Olivia has a new friend in her life. He’s smart, interesting, and just so talkative. Will his influence, and Olivia’s own desire to settle some scores, ruin her friendships with Zoe and the gang at Whit’s End? Will his devious comments convince Olivia to abandon her faith?

    Meanwhile, Buck and Jules discover that Buck’s father left behind a lot more than could ever have been suspected. Could the map help him determine what is next for his life? Because he’s beginning to wonder if he really wants to be in a family with Eugene and Katrina. Elsewhere in Odyssey, Bridgett Perkins learns a good lesson about judging others when she feels that her own life is under the microscope.

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  • Note Taking Bible


    Make notes and capture insights in the margins of the Blue Floral Faux Leather Hardcover King James Version Note-taking Bible and never forget where you left them.

    An artistically rendered composition of vivid florals burst from the front panel of this hardcover note-taking Bible. The floral front panel is uniquely curved on the left side, connecting to the similarly curved solid blue faux leather panel that wraps around the spine and back. A small blue patch on the front floral panel that holds the silver foiled title is reinforced with blue topstitching.
    Holy Bible

    The title also appears on the spine in silver foil and the KJV reference is heat-debossed. With plenty of space o doodle, list, or write, the 1.6-inch wide margins will keep your insights close to the text you are studying. Additional study helps are also available in this Bible and include two satin ribbon markers to mark several pages, a thematic Scripture verse finder to locate themes in the Bible, a concordance to see where the same word is used in different places, a one-year Bible reading plan, and 8 full-color maps.

    Document the growth you experience through studying God’s Word in the pages of this Bible and then wrap a copy of the Blue Foral Faux Leather Hardcover Note-taking Bible as a birthday gift for a daughter or granddaughter and teach them to leave a legacy for their children.

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  • My Baptism Book


    This sturdy little board book is a simple collection of prayers, poems, and Bible verses — the perfect gift for a little child being baptized. Each page features beautiful color illustrations. With its reassuring message of God’s eternal love and care, My Baptism Book is a treasure.

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  • Bible Word Search Women Of The Bible Large Print (Large Type)


    Brain Games Large Print Bible Word Search: Women of the Bible will challenge your brain with word searches about the matriarchs and influential women of the Old and New Testaments.

    This book features 70 word search puzzles that revisit the great women of the Bible.
    Word search puzzles contain quotations and word selections from various books of the Bible. Find quotes about Miriam, Esther, Mary the Mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene.

    Spiral binding allows the book to lay flat while in use.

    Full answer key found in the back.

    Brain Games Large Print Bible Word Search: Women of the Bible will challenge your brain with word searches about the matriarchs and influential women of the Old and New Testaments.

    *This book features 70 word search puzzles that revisit the great women of the Bible.

    *Word search puzzles contain quotations and word selections from various books of the Bible. Find quotes about Miriam, Esther, Mary the Mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene.

    *Spiral binding allows the book to lay flat while in use.

    *Full answer key found in the back.

    *160 pages.

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  • Peace Be Still Teen Girls


    Peace, be still!

    This delightful devotional will encourage you to take a few moments of your day to quiet your spirit, think on God’s amazing love for you, and envelop your soul in His amazing grace. Dozens of just-right-sized readings pack a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration and are designed to meet you right where you are in life. With each turn of the page, you’ll be on your way to a better understanding of and deeper relationship with the One who holds the whole world in His hands.

    Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ–the Message–have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives–words, actions, whatever–be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.
    Colossians 3:15-17 MSG

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  • Compact Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition


    Tyndale’s innovative Filament-enabled Bible line is now available in the NLT Compact Giant Print edition. Like other compact editions of the New Living Translation, this Bible fits easily into a purse, backpack, briefcase, or suitcase. This Bible features the life-changing New Living Translation text in 10-point font with the words of Jesus in red, plus a presentation page and a full-color Visual Overview of the Bible. And for the same low price as similar text-only Bibles, the NLT Compact Giant Print Bible offers much more with the groundbreaking Filament Bible app.
    This app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of curated content, including thousands of study notes and hundreds of devotionals, plus interactive maps, informative videos, and inspiring worship music. The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand.

    The New Living Translation is a clear and trusted English translation of the Bible. It conveys the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes comfortable and meaningful reading.

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  • Sleepyhead Prayer : A Heart-to-Heart Talk With Jesus


    This board book includes a sweet, rhyming prayer for sleepy children to pray before bed. It is a perfect way for families with young children to end the day. Jesus reminds the child that he is always with them-both when they go to bed and when they wake up. The simple language is accessible for young children and will help them relax and prepare for a good night’s rest. Jesus responds to the child’s prayer with Scripture-based encouragement.

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  • ESV Prayer Journal 30 Days On The Gospel


    A 6-Week Bible Journal that Helps You Engage with Scripture and Pray with Purpose

    ESV Prayer Journals guide your study of a foundational Scripture topic over 6 weeks and create space for writing and prayer-turning your quiet time into a conversation with God. Each week opens with a devotional related to that week’s passage, followed by 5 days of teaching and prayer prompts. Each journal also includes space for writing, clear definitions of biblical terms, and artwork by Ruth Chou Simons.

    This ESV Prayer Journal focuses on how to understand and articulate the gospel message. *Weekly Devotional: Begin each week studying a Bible passage around the journal’s central theme

    *Interactive Bible Study: Each week includes 5 days of teaching with prayer and journaling prompts

    *Strengthen Spiritual Disciplines: Combine prayer and Bible study to connect with God and understand basic Bible themes

    *Makes a Great Gift: Perfect for birthdays, graduations, and to use with a friend

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  • Prayers And Promises For Teachers


    Teaching is a work of heart that takes energy and inspiration. Whether your classroom is in a traditional school building or right next to your kitchen, the young people you are equipping are blessed to have you pouring wisdom into their lives.

    Prayers & Promises for Teachers is a topically organized collection that guides you through themes of peace, purpose, wisdom, patience, strength, and more. Encouraging Scriptures, heartfelt prayers, and prompting questions give you an opportunity to find joy and truth in God’s Word.

    Stay connected to God and believe in his promises. Ask him to help you lead with grace and compassion. He is with you, guiding you in how to make a positive impact on those in your care.

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  • Apologetics Study Bible For Students


    The CSB Apologetics Study Bible for Students anchors young Christians in the truths of Scripture by equipping them with thoughtful responses when the core issues of their faith are challenged. Updated with additional content curated by editor Dr. Sean McDowell, the core materials explore over 130 of the top questions students are currently asking along with articles and extensive apologetics study material from today’s most popular youth leaders and apologists. This unique Bible will guide teens and encourage them to ask tough questions, get straight answers, and strengthen their faith. FEATURES130 Articles from popular youth leaders and apologists (including editor Sean McDowell)60 “Twisted Scripture” explanations for commonly misunderstood passages50 “Bones & Dirt” entries explaining how archeological findings support Christian apologetics50 “Notable Quotes” from influential people throughout history25 “Tactics” that help students answer frequently heard anti-Christian arguments20 “Personal Stories” of how God has worked in real lives20 “Top Five” bullet-point lists that help readers remember significant apologetics topicsBook introductionsDistinctive two-color design that appeals to students Two-column formatBlack-letter text 9.75-point type sizeSmyth-sewn binding with ribbon markerPresentation pageFull-color maps The CSB Apologetics Study Bible for Students features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.

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  • Apologetics Study Bible For Students


    The CSB Apologetics Study Bible for Students anchors young Christians in the truths of Scripture by equipping them with thoughtful responses when the core issues of their faith are challenged. Updated with additional content curated by editor Dr. Sean McDowell, the core materials explore over 130 of the top questions students are currently asking along with articles and extensive apologetics study material from today’s most popular youth leaders and apologists. This unique Bible will guide teens and encourage them to ask tough questions, get straight answers, and strengthen their faith. FEATURES130 Articles from popular youth leaders and apologists (including editor Sean McDowell)60 “Twisted Scripture” explanations for commonly misunderstood passages50 “Bones & Dirt” entries explaining how archeological findings support Christian apologetics50 “Notable Quotes” from influential people throughout history25 “Tactics” that help students answer frequently heard anti-Christian arguments20 “Personal Stories” of how God has worked in real lives20 “Top Five” bullet-point lists that help readers remember significant apologetics topicsBook introductionsDistinctive two-color design that appeals to students Two-column formatBlack-letter text 9.75-point type sizeSmyth-sewn binding with ribbon markerPresentation pageFull-color maps The CSB Apologetics Study Bible for Students features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.

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  • Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible


    The NASB Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible features large 11.25-point type in a convenient personal trim size that is perfect for devotional reading, personal study, or use at church. The easy-to-read large print type also makes this Bible an ideal choice for ministry and preaching. FEATURESSmyth-sewn durable bindingTwo-column text formatRobust end-of-page cross-reference systemTopical subheadingsFootnotesWords of Christ in red11.25-point type sizeRibbon marker for easy referencing between pagesConcordancePresentation page for gift-givingFull-color mapsThe NASB Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible features the 2020 edition of the New American Standard (NASB). The NASB utilizes a formal equivalence translation philosophy and is widely accepted by pastors, professors, and ministry leaders as one of the most trusted literal translations of the Holy Bible. The NASB is an excellent resource for Bible reading, study, and teaching.

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  • Super Giant Print Reference Bible


    The NASB Super Giant Print Reference Bible includes a super giant 16-point typeface that makes it easy to read for those who have diminished or impaired vision. Durable and classic, this Bible is perfect for devotional reading, personal study, or use at church. FEATURESSmyth-sewn durable bindingTwo-column text formatRobust end-of-page cross-reference systemTopical subheadingsFootnotesWords of Christ in red16-point type sizeRibbon marker for easy referencing between pagesConcordancePresentation page for gift-givingFull-color mapsThe NASB Super Giant Print Reference Bible features the 2020 edition of the New American Standard Bible translation (NASB). The NASB utilizes a formal equivalence translation philosophy and is widely accepted by pastors, professors, and ministry leaders as one of the most trusted literal translations of the Holy Bible. The NASB is an excellent resource for Bible reading, study, and teaching.

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  • Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible


    The NASB Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible features large 11.25-point type in a convenient personal trim size that is perfect for devotional reading, personal study, or use at church. The easy-to-read large print type also makes this Bible an ideal choice for ministry and preaching. FEATURESSmyth-sewn durable bindingTwo-column text formatRobust end-of-page cross-reference systemTopical subheadingsFootnotesWords of Christ in red11.25-point type sizeRibbon marker for easy referencing between pagesConcordancePresentation page for gift-givingFull-color mapsThe NASB Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible features the 2020 edition of the New American Standard (NASB). The NASB utilizes a formal equivalence translation philosophy and is widely accepted by pastors, professors, and ministry leaders as one of the most trusted literal translations of the Holy Bible. The NASB is an excellent resource for Bible reading, study, and teaching.

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  • All Things Bright And Beautiful


    Rich and lively illustrations bring to life a classic song for today’s kids and families

    All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful–the Lord God made them all.

    In this stunning book, birds soar, bugs burrow, elephants dance, plants grow–the whole world sings in praise of their Creator God. With the lyrics to this well-known classic tune, kids and parents can sing along. Jean Claude’s charming illustrations are lush and lively, filling each page with interesting, creative characters and scenes. Every time kids open the book, they’ll spot something new! They may even spot someone who looks like them gardening or picnicking with penguins.

    All Things Bright and Beautiful offers a multi-sensory experience of sight and song, designed for young readers, but enjoyable to all ages. It’s the perfect baby shower or birthday gift–and it will make any Easter basket complete.

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  • Risky River Rescue


    The Dead Sea Squirrels are back with another fun-filled adventure! The Gomez family, Pearl, Justin, Sadie, Dusty, and Adriana continue the search for Merle through the Holy Land. But instead of finding Merle, they uncover Dr. Simon’s master plan to create the BabbleLand Animal Park: “the only zoo where cuddly creatures talk to you” and where you can engage in “small talk with the livestock.” While still stuck with Ruben, Merle meets Dave, a blue Lizard of Judah, and the two of them escape and take off along the Jordan River toward Galilee. The Gomezes succeed in catching up with and capturing Ruben, but they just miss Merle and Dave. The theme of this book is choosing to follow God’s will and pleasing God by obeying him and making right choices. Readers will learn about John the Baptist, Jesus’ baptism, and the beginning of Jesus’ ministry.

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  • Daily Strength : A Devotional For Men


    A 365-Day Devotional for Men, Perfect for Gift-Giving and Daily Reading

    Daily Strength, a year-long devotional, walks Christian men through Scripture passages that speak to their most pressing issues. Featuring content from the ESV Men’s Devotional Bible, each single-page daily reading features a short summary of a Bible passage with a thought-provoking message from author and pastor Sam Storms. Arranged canonically from Genesis to Revelation with short introductions to each Bible book, Daily Strength encourages and enlightens men throughout the year while equipping them for moral and spiritual transformation.

    *365 Devotionals: Topics include resting in God’s word, wisdom, forgiveness, prayer, God’s purposes, living a life of integrity, salvation, confessing Christ, forgiveness, discipleship, and maturity

    *Covers the Bible from Genesis to Revelation: Includes at least one devotion for every book of the Bible

    *Great Gift Idea for Dads, Sons, and Students: Perfect for Father’s Day, Christmas, or birthdays!

    Written by Pastors and Counselors: Contributors include Greg Gilbert, Ed T. Welch, David Powlison, Drew Hunter, and more

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  • Super Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition


    The Bible Reading Experience: Reimagined

    The NLT Super Giant Print Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition presents God’s Word in one of the largest fonts available – 16 point- with added resources and benefits of the unique Filament Bible app.

    The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, enabling you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page of this Bible to a vast array of related content, including study notes, devotionals, interactive maps, informative videos, and worship music. For no additional cost, purchase, size or weight, you will have access to a wealth of information and resources from the very page you are reading without cluttering up your Bible. Read the NLT Super Giant Print Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition as a comfortable reading Bible without the app for convenience or dive into all the free, easily accessible resources from your smartphone or tablet to explore God’s Word for an enriching experience of His presence.

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  • Compact Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition


    Tyndale’s innovative Filament-enabled Bible line is now available in the NLT Compact Giant Print edition. Like other compact editions of the New Living Translation, this Bible fits easily into a purse, backpack, briefcase, or suitcase. This Bible features the life-changing New Living Translation text in 10-point font with the words of Jesus in red, plus a presentation page and a full-color Visual Overview of the Bible. And for the same low price as similar text-only Bibles, the NLT Compact Giant Print Bible offers much more with the groundbreaking Filament Bible app.
    This app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of curated content, including thousands of study notes and hundreds of devotionals, plus interactive maps, informative videos, and inspiring worship music. The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand.

    The New Living Translation is a clear and trusted English translation of the Bible. It conveys the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes comfortable and meaningful reading.

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  • Super Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition


    The Bible Reading Experience: Reimagined

    The NLT Super Giant Print Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition presents God’s Word in one of the largest fonts available – 16 point- with added resources and benefits of the unique Filament Bible app.

    The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, enabling you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page of this Bible to a vast array of related content, including study notes, devotionals, interactive maps, informative videos, and worship music. For no additional cost, purchase, size or weight, you will have access to a wealth of information and resources from the very page you are reading without cluttering up your Bible. Read the NLT Super Giant Print Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition as a comfortable reading Bible without the app for convenience or dive into all the free, easily accessible resources from your smartphone or tablet to explore God’s Word for an enriching experience of His presence.

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  • Mens Study Bible


    This ESV Bible features additional content written especially for men, including daily devotionals and articles from more than 100 acclaimed scholars and pastors. Along with robust Bible study notes to increase their understanding of Scripture, men will find encouraging resources to help them develop a deeper love for the Lord.

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  • Lies Women Believe


    Counter the lies that keep you from abundant living.

    Satan is the master deceiver; his lies are endless. And the lies Christian women believe are at the root of most of their struggles.

    “Many women live under a cloud of personal guilt and condemnation,” says Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. “Many are in bondage to their past. Others are gripped by fear of rejection and a longing for approval. Still others are emotional prisoners.”

    In this bestseller, Lies Women Believe, Nancy exposes those areas of deception most commonly believed by Christian women–lies about God, sin, priorities, marriage and family, emotions, and more. She then sheds light on how we can be delivered from bondage and set free to walk in God’s grace, forgiveness, and abundant life. Nancy offers the most effective weapon to counter and overcome Satan’s deceptions: God’s truth!

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  • Large Print Personal Size Bible


    The ESV Large Print Personal Size Bible features highly readable Bible text in a convenient format. Combining 12-point type with line-matching and quality materials, this edition ensures that God’s Word will remain readable regardless of length of use. The Large Print Personal Size Bible is perfect for all who want a highly readable and portable Bible that they can use in any setting.

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  • Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible


    The NASB Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible features large 11.25-point type in a convenient personal trim size that is perfect for devotional reading, personal study, or use at church. The easy-to-read large print type also makes this Bible an ideal choice for ministry and preaching. FEATURESSmyth-sewn durable bindingTwo-column text formatRobust end-of-page cross-reference systemTopical subheadingsFootnotesWords of Christ in red11.25-point type sizeRibbon marker for easy referencing between pagesConcordancePresentation page for gift-givingFull-color mapsThe NASB Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible features the 2020 edition of the New American Standard (NASB). The NASB utilizes a formal equivalence translation philosophy and is widely accepted by pastors, professors, and ministry leaders as one of the most trusted literal translations of the Holy Bible. The NASB is an excellent resource for Bible reading, study, and teaching.

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  • God Loves Her


    You need to be reminded that you are loved. God Loves Her, by women for women like you, shares personal stories of how special you are to God and how you can share this love with others. Beautifully packaged and tote-sized, this book is perfect to take on the go or to curl up with in your favorite spot at home. Wherever you are, you can know that God hears you, He knows you, and He loves you beyond compare.

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  • Compact Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition


    Tyndale’s innovative Filament-enabled Bible line is now available in the NLT Compact Giant Print edition. Like other compact editions of the New Living Translation, this Bible fits easily into a purse, backpack, briefcase, or suitcase. This Bible features the life-changing New Living Translation text in 10-point font with the words of Jesus in red, plus a presentation page and a full-color Visual Overview of the Bible. And for the same low price as similar text-only Bibles, the NLT Compact Giant Print Bible offers much more with the groundbreaking Filament Bible app.
    This app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of curated content, including thousands of study notes and hundreds of devotionals, plus interactive maps, informative videos, and inspiring worship music. The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand.

    The New Living Translation is a clear and trusted English translation of the Bible. It conveys the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes comfortable and meaningful reading.

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  • Arte De Perdonar – (Spanish)


    El perdon es un ingrediente indispensable en las relaciones familiares y matrimoniales. El matrimonio debe basarse en una actitud de perdonarse el uno al otro cada dia, con transparencia y vulnerabilidad. Sin embargo, a muchas personas se les hace dificil perdonar y pedir perdon. Luego del exito de ventas de El lenguaje del perdon, Sixto Porras presenta El arte de perdonar, un Devocional de 90 dias, que integra la importancia de aprender a perdonar, a la meditacion de la Palabra de Dios junto a unas enseanzas que cambiaran la vida de muchos y su actitud ante el perdon.

    Forgiveness is an indispensable ingredient in family and marital relationships. Marriage should be based on an attitude of forgiving each other every day, with transparency and vulnerability. However, many people find it difficult to forgive and ask for forgiveness. After the success of The Language of Forgiveness, Sixto Porras presents The Art of Forgiveness, a ninety-day devotional that integrates the importance of learning to forgive through meditation on the Word of God, along with teachings that will change the lives of many people and their attitude towards forgiveness.

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  • Compact Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition


    Tyndale’s innovative Filament-enabled Bible line is now available in the NLT Compact Giant Print edition. Like other compact editions of the New Living Translation, this Bible fits easily into a purse, backpack, briefcase, or suitcase. This Bible features the life-changing New Living Translation text in 10-point font with the words of Jesus in red, plus a presentation page and a full-color Visual Overview of the Bible. And for the same low price as similar text-only Bibles, the NLT Compact Giant Print Bible offers much more with the groundbreaking Filament Bible app.
    This app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of curated content, including thousands of study notes and hundreds of devotionals, plus interactive maps, informative videos, and inspiring worship music. The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand.

    The New Living Translation is a clear and trusted English translation of the Bible. It conveys the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes comfortable and meaningful reading.

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  • Experiencing God Bible Study Book With Video Access


    Experiencing God Bible Study Book includes revised printed content for 12 sessions, personal study between group sessions, and applicable Scripture. Also, each Book contains unique codes that enable you to access teaching videos for each session.

    Over the years, God has used the truths of Experiencing God to awaken believers to a radically God-centered way of life. As a result, millions have come to know God intimately, to recognize His voice, and to understand His will for their lives. This new edition is revised, updated, and ready to help you again-or for the very first time-experience your Creator.

    God is inviting you into an intimate love relationship through which He reveals to you His will, His ways, and His work. When you recognize where God is working, you can join Him in what He is doing. Carefully listening to His voice will anchor you in His plan and set you free to live it with boldness and freedom. Then you will experience God doing through you what only He can do.

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  • Compact Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition


    Tyndale’s innovative Filament-enabled Bible line is now available in the NLT Compact Giant Print edition. Like other compact editions of the New Living Translation, this Bible fits easily into a purse, backpack, briefcase, or suitcase. This Bible features the life-changing New Living Translation text in 10-point font with the words of Jesus in red, plus a presentation page and a full-color Visual Overview of the Bible. And for the same low price as similar text-only Bibles, the NLT Compact Giant Print Bible offers much more with the groundbreaking Filament Bible app.
    This app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of curated content, including thousands of study notes and hundreds of devotionals, plus interactive maps, informative videos, and inspiring worship music. The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand.

    The New Living Translation is a clear and trusted English translation of the Bible. It conveys the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes comfortable and meaningful reading.

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  • Compact Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition


    Tyndale’s innovative Filament-enabled Bible line is now available in the NLT Compact Giant Print edition. Like other compact editions of the New Living Translation, this Bible fits easily into a purse, backpack, briefcase, or suitcase. This Bible features the life-changing New Living Translation text in 10-point font with the words of Jesus in red, plus a presentation page and a full-color Visual Overview of the Bible. And for the same low price as similar text-only Bibles, the NLT Compact Giant Print Bible offers much more with the groundbreaking Filament Bible app.
    This app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of curated content, including thousands of study notes and hundreds of devotionals, plus interactive maps, informative videos, and inspiring worship music. The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand.

    The New Living Translation is a clear and trusted English translation of the Bible. It conveys the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes comfortable and meaningful reading.

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  • Compact Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition


    Tyndale’s innovative Filament-enabled Bible line is now available in the NLT Compact Giant Print edition. Like other compact editions of the New Living Translation, this Bible fits easily into a purse, backpack, briefcase, or suitcase. This Bible features the life-changing New Living Translation text in 10-point font with the words of Jesus in red, plus a presentation page and a full-color Visual Overview of the Bible. And for the same low price as similar text-only Bibles, the NLT Compact Giant Print Bible offers much more with the groundbreaking Filament Bible app.
    This app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of curated content, including thousands of study notes and hundreds of devotionals, plus interactive maps, informative videos, and inspiring worship music. The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand.

    The New Living Translation is a clear and trusted English translation of the Bible. It conveys the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes comfortable and meaningful reading.

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  • Compact Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition


    Tyndale’s innovative Filament-enabled Bible line is now available in the NLT Compact Giant Print edition. Like other compact editions of the New Living Translation, this Bible fits easily into a purse, backpack, briefcase, or suitcase. This Bible features the life-changing New Living Translation text in 10-point font with the words of Jesus in red, plus a presentation page and a full-color Visual Overview of the Bible. And for the same low price as similar text-only Bibles, the NLT Compact Giant Print Bible offers much more with the groundbreaking Filament Bible app.
    This app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of curated content, including thousands of study notes and hundreds of devotionals, plus interactive maps, informative videos, and inspiring worship music. The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand.

    The New Living Translation is a clear and trusted English translation of the Bible. It conveys the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes comfortable and meaningful reading.

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  • Earth To Eden


    “Earth to Eden…” Dad says, grabbing little Eden’s attention long enough to share the story of the Garden…

    In this story, Eden learns of the Creator’s glory and love for His creation. Her dad shares his take on the story that inspired her name–the Garden of Eden. After imagining the beauty of the

    Garden, Eden takes the story to school with her to share with others and relate it to the class’s lesson. The wonderful story of God’s perfect garden inspires Eden to plant a garden of her own and rest in His love.

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  • Transformation : Emerging To New Life


    The Transformation: Emerging to New Life by Laura Jaka, is the story of one woman’s struggle to overcome the baggage of religion and spiritual confusion as she suffers the effects of having grown up in an African family whose secrets set her on a path of having to clash with the forces of darkness to gain an overcoming life in Jesus Christ.

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  • Jesus And Gender


    Loving one another as sisters and brothers in Jesus

    Many Christian women and men carry heavy burdens. Much teaching on gender relations, roles, and rules binds the conscience beyond what Scripture actually teaches. Gender has become a battleground for power. But God created men and women not to compete for glory but to cooperate for his glory.

    In Jesus and Gender, Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumacher paint a new vision for gender-Christ’s gentle and lowly heart. The centrality of the gospel has been lost in gender debates. Our ultimate example is Jesus, our humble king, who used his power to serve others. So we must rethink our identities, roles, and relationships around him. Christ transformed enemies into family. Men and women are allies in God’s mission.

    Drawing from Scripture and experience, Fitzpatrick and Schumacher show how Jesus’s example speaks to all areas of our lives as men and women, including vocation, marriage, parenting, friendships, and relating to each other as sisters and brothers in Christ. Real–life testimonies from a variety of Christians-including Christine Caine, Justin Holcomb, Karen Swallow Prior, and others-show a variety of men and women freed to pursue their gifts for God’s glory.

    Fitzpatrick and Schumacher’s perspective untangles what God has said about gender from what he hasn’t. By coming to Jesus, women and men can find rest.

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  • Amidst Us Our Bleoved Stands


    When it comes to baptism and the Lord’s Supper, many Baptists reject the language of sacrament. As a people of the book, the logic goes, Baptists must not let tradition supersede the Bible. So Baptists tend to view baptism and Communion as ordinances and symbols, not sacraments.

    But the history of Baptists and the sacraments is complicated. In Amidst Us Our Beloved Stands, Michael A. G. Haykin argues that earlier Baptists, such as Charles Spurgeon, stood closer to Reformed sacramental thought than most Baptists today do. More than mere memorials, baptism and Communion have spiritual implications that were celebrated by Baptists of the past. Haykin calls for a renewal of sacramental life in churches today-Baptists can and should be sacramental.

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