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  • Atrevase A Creer Para Recibir – (Spanish)


    Se ha preguntado alguna vez si la sanidad de Dios es para las personas en la actualidad? Desea ser sanado pero no sabe como abordarlo? Si esta batallando con estas preguntas, no esta usted solo. Julia Loren ha compilado los escritos de heroes de la fe, del pasado y del presente, para mostrar a los creyentes que Dios sigue siendo un Dios de sanidad y que se deleita en manifestar sanidad sobrenatural hoy dia, tal como lo hizo hace mas de dos mil aos cuando su Hijo Jesus camino por la tierra.

    Esta compilacion incluye los escritos de…
    *Bill Johnson
    *F. F. Bosworth
    *Mark Stibbe
    *Mary K. Baxter
    *Maria Woodworth-Etter
    *Randy Clark
    *Andrew Murray
    *Marilyn Hickey
    *Jerame Nelson
    *Smith Wigglesworth
    *Aimee Semple McPherson
    *John G. Lake
    *Kathryn Kuhlman
    *Cal Pierce
    *Guillermo Maldonado

    Sus palabras fortaleceran su fe y le alentaran a acercarse a Dios para recibir su sanidad. El le sanara. Sus promesas para su sanidad son si y amen. !La sanidad es para usted hoy!

    Have you ever wondered if God’s healing is for people today? Do you desire to be made whole but don’t know how to go about it? If you are wrestling with these questions, you are not alone. Julia Loren has compiled the writings from heroes of faith-past and present-to show believers that God is still a God of healing and that He delights in manifesting supernatural healing today, just as He did over two thousand years ago when His Son Jesus walked the earth.

    This compilation includes the writings of…
    *Bill Johnson
    *F. F. Bosworth
    *Mark Stibbe
    *Mary K. Baxter
    *Maria Woodworth-Etter
    *Randy Clark
    *Andrew Murray
    *Marilyn Hickey
    *Jerame Nelson
    *Smith Wigglesworth
    *Aimee Semple McPherson
    *John G. Lake
    *Kathryn Kuhlman
    *Guillermo Maldonado
    *Cal Pierce
    *Smith Wigglesworth

    Their words will strengthen your faith and encourage you to approach God for your healing. He will heal you. His promises for your healing are yes and amen. Wholeness is for you-today!

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  • Life More Abundantly


    “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
    -John 10:10

    A 31-Day Study of God’s Greatest Gift

    In this monthlong study, famed pastor and evangelist A. B. Simpson delves into the meaning of life itself, helping the believer to develop an understanding and appreciation of the indwelling Christ as the source of victory.

    “The most humble and uncultured saint, perhaps the poorest new convert in the jungles of Africa, or a lowly laborer, toiling in some factory or mine, can look in the face of the most brilliant human genius who knows not God in personal faith and fellowship, and say, ‘I live in a higher world than you, for I have spiritual life, I have eternal life, I have a life that death cannot destroy and sin cannot defile and judgment cannot dismay, and eternal ages can never end. I have everlasting life.'”
    -A. B. Simpson, Life More Abundantly

    Christians were never meant to lead insignificant lives devoid of impact or achievement. By focusing on the abundant life that God offers, you can make the most out of the days you have been given.

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  • Evaluating Your Friendship Skills


    Are you a faithful friend…or a burdensome buddy? Find out where you stand with Evaluating Your Friendship Skills. Good friendships take work. Use this 72-question self-evaluation, based on twelve biblical friendship characteristics, to identify areas in which you may be weak. Then use the discussion of each characteristic to help you set goals and determine practical ways to improve. Sharpen your friendship skills to become more like Jesus and a better friend. Great for individuals and for groups preparing for Friend Day!

    Includes: questionnaire and self-scoring two-part answer sheet

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  • Team Decision Making Inventory


    This inventory will help you identify how each of your church members or business leaders functions best-whether a Doer, Collector, Planner, or Analyzer. Then you can determine if you need additional help due to a lack of input, skills or gifts in your own team. Includes questionnaire; 2-part, self-scoring answer sheet; and instructions.

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  • Leadership Management Inventory


    Every leader and manager has a unique style for leading and managing whether a Producer/Workaholic, Visionary/Arsonist, Survivalist/Deadwood, Administrator/Bureaucrat, Integrator/Compromiser. This quick, easy-to-use, self-scoring inventory will help you and your ministry or business leaders discover your personal leadership/management style and learn the positive and negatives of each style. Includes questionnaire with answer sheet and description of each style, giving the pros and cons of each.

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  • Inventatario De Los Dones Espi – (Spanish)


    Ayede a sus miembros que hablan Espaol a identificar sus dones dados por Dios Espirituales con el Inventario de Equipo de Pastoral, utilizado por mas de 5 millones de personas. La edicion actual en Espaol (punto 401x) esta ahora disponible….y una visita obligada para aquellos que hablan y leen Espaol como primer idioma.

    Muestra a sus miembros como Dios les ha regalado una vida cotidiana y de ministerio…..y van a estar entusiasmados y motivados para servir donde encajan mejor.

    With over 5 million used, The Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory has helped Christians around the world identify their God-given spiritual gifts. The Spanish version is a must for those who speak and read Spanish as a first language. Administered in 20 minutes, it is fun and a valuable tool for the Christian walk. Learn how God has equipped you to minister in the local church…and in daily life! Covers nine task-oriented “team” gifts used in daily life and ministry: Administration, Evangelism, Exhortation, Giving, Mercy-Showing, Pastoring/Shepherding, Prophecy, Serving Teaching. (For further explanation and study of spiritual gifts; different types of gifts; how gifts relate to other gifts, your daily life, etc. see the book How to Find Meaning and Fulfillment through Understanding the Spiritual Gift within You.) The Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory includes questionnaire; 2-part, self-scoring answer sheet; and instructions.

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  • Jesus Te Llama Para Ninos – (Spanish)


    Devocionales escritas como si Jesus hablara directamente al corazon de los ninos.Basado en el libro original Jesus te llama esta version ha sido adaptada a un lenguaje y formato que hara que los ninos pequenos y los de edad escolar relacionen los textos con su vida diaria. Tras varios anos escribiendo en su diario de oraciones, la misionera Sarah Young decidio escuchar a Dios, lapiz en mano y escribir lo que considero que Dios le dictaba a traves de las Escrituras. Otras personas fueron bendecidas cuando les compartio sus escritos y muchos empezaron a usar sus devocionales en todo el mundo. Son textos escritos desde el punto de vista de Jesus, y a ello se debe el tituloJesus te llama. La plegaria ferviente de Sarah es que nuestro Salvador bendiga cada vez mas a los lectores adultos, y ahora tambien a los mas jovenes, con Su presencia y Su paz.Devotions written as if Jesus is speaking directly to a child’s heart.Based on her original Jesus te llama, this version has been adapted in a language and fashion that kids and tweens can relate to their everyday lives. It is Sarah’s fervent prayer that our Savior may bless readers, and now young readers, with His presence and His peace in ever deeper measure.

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  • 12 Tribes Of Israel Pamphlet


    Enjoy having a simple overview on the 12 Tribes of Israel at your fingertips. See each tribe’s symbol, meaning, history, and other fascinating facts at a glance. Includes incredible visual aids, such as a full-color map, family tree, Tabernacle diagram, and more.

    Almost every person in the Bible belonged to one of the 12 Tribes of Israel based on their ancestry: From Moses who was a Levite to the Apostle Paul who was Benjaminite. Each tribe had its own history, land, and heritage. Now you can easily grasp the “backstory” of each tribe and see key information at a glance! For example, find out the significance of Jesus being called the “Lion of Judah.” For each of the 12 Tribes of Israel, you will get-
    *A quick overview of its meaning, size, family history, location, and more.
    *A picture of the tribe’s symbol (such as the lion from the Tribe of Judah)
    *Simple summary of Jacob’s blessing, Moses’ blessing, and other key events related to each tribe. (Find out the major battles, controversies, and scandals that impacted each tribe. Plus, see which important Bible people came from each tribe of Israel.)

    Perfect for individual or group use. 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

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  • Believers Baptism Pamphlet


    Baptism is one of the most important practices in the church, something that Jesus calls his followers to do. It reminds us of Jesus’ death and resurrection and the new life we have in him! Enjoy having an easy-to-understand overview on what the Bible says about baptism at your fingertips. Packed with simple summaries, this baptism pamphlet covers what baptism is, why we should be baptized, and more. Perfect for individual use, group Bible studies, a New Believers’ class, baptism gift, baptism class, etc.

    Enjoy having this easy-to-understand overview on baptism at your fingertips. This pamphlet clarifies the basics and reassures believers about this important step–church leaders may use this to help those who may be nervous or hesitant.

    Answers these questions–
    *What is baptism? (Explains believer’s baptism and symbolism of immersion)
    *Why we should be baptized? (Gives 5 reasons to be baptized)
    *What happens during baptism? How do I know if I am ready to be baptized?
    *What does it mean to be baptized in Jesus’ name?
    *What does the Bible say about baptism? (It fulfills Jesus’ command (Matt. 28:19), Jesus set the example (1 John 2:6), it is a testimony to others (Romans 6:5), and more.)

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  • Hebrews Pamphlet : A Study In The Book Of Hebrews


    Find out how to persevere, remain faithful, and live a life that glorifies God with this incredible in-depth Bible study on Hebrews. See how the early church withstood intense persecution and experience the peace that comes from recognizing Christ as our perfect High Priest. Includes section-by-section commentary, quick-reference charts, and simple summaries!

    Hebrews was written during a time of intense persecution against Christians in the Roman Empire. During that time, believers needed encouragement to follow Christ- just as we do today. By showing Jesus’ superiority to the Old Covenant, the letter encourages believers (then and now) to be faithful to Jesus even during the toughest of times! Enjoy having a fantastic overview on the entire book of Hebrews at your fingertips-get incredible insight into Jesus’ superiority to the old covenant and be encouraged by 15 heroes of our faith who resisted the urge to give up and stood firmly in their faith!

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  • Fun With Secret Codes Activity Book


    SKU (ISBN): 9781593177447ISBN10: 1593177445Binding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2014Publisher: Warner Press

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  • Study Bible Large Print


    Combining the best and most recent evangelical Christian scholarship with the highly regarded ESV text, it is the most comprehensive study Bible ever published.

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  • Study Bible Large Print


    Combining the best and most recent evangelical Christian scholarship with the highly regarded ESV text, it is the most comprehensive study Bible ever published.

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  • Study Bible Large Print


    Combining the best and most recent evangelical Christian scholarship with the highly regarded ESV text, it is the most comprehensive study Bible ever published.

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  • Live : Your Life With Christ (DVD)


    1. How Do I Know It Is Real?
    2. What Is The Good News?
    3. Is It Worth It?
    4. A Time For Commitment
    5. New Life In Christ
    Each episode includes Intro and Following Jesus sections and Life Stories

    Additional Info
    Join internationally renowned speaker and author Becky Manley Pippert for five sessions exploring how to begin the Christian life. LIVE is for you if you are:
    -a new Christian
    -thinking about Christianity
    -wanting to look at the foundations of your faith
    In each session, you’ll have time to hear from Beck and from the experiences of others; discuss and ask questions; and look at a section of the Bible as you see how to LIVE.

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  • How Will The World End


    Introduction: Why Is It All So Complicated?
    1. How Will The World End?
    2. What Will Happen Before Jesus Comes Back?
    3. How Will Jesus Come Back?
    4. Will Jesus Come Back Before Or After The “Millennium”?
    5. What Happens After Jesus Comes Back?
    6. How Should We Live Until Jesus Comes Back?

    Additional Info
    Christians believe that history is moving towards a dramatic conclusion – that one day Jesus Christ will return in glory to judge the living and the dead. But there seem to be so many different views about how this will happen, and when it will take place. How can we make sense of it all?
    This short, readable book explains clearly and simply the liberating reality of what the Bible is actually saying about the return of Christ and the end of the world.

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  • Streams In The Desert 1 Discovering Gods Call (DVD)


    Aboard a passenger train en route from Los Angeles to Chicago, a Christian movie actress named Mary meets an elderly woman and openly shares the struggles of her career and young faith. To her surprise, the lady next to her is 85-year-old Lettie Cowman, the author of the most beloved devotional of all time, Streams in the Desert.

    As the two women converse, Lettie reflects on the experiences and heartbreak that inspired her to write her famous book. As a girl growing up in small-town Iowa, Lettie falls in love with Charles Cowman, a telegraph operator at the Western Union office. A job promotion prompts them to move to a mining town in Colorado after marriage. However, Lettie soon becomes deathly ill, leading Charles to make a vow of service to the Lord that will change both of their lives forever.

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  • Super Duper Knock Knock Jokes For Kids


    Is there anything better than a knock-knock joke? How about hundreds of them? You are going to love this collection of laugh lines stupendous enough for a super duper joker. With so many, you have plenty of humor to knock-knock some silly sense into your friends, family, and anyone else who is willing to say “who’s there?”

    This is good, clean fun that will entertain you and others for hours. It’s perfect for those times when you are waiting after school or between activities or during a long Saturday afternoon.

    Knock, Knock
    Who’s there?
    Woo who?
    Woo-who these jokes are fun! Let’s have a party.

    If you or your family are getting tired staring at the TV or computer screen, it’s time to scream–with laughter. And this outrageous, hilarious jumble of jokes will make that happen instantly.

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  • How Can I Be Sure


    Introduction: The Many Faces Of Doubt
    1. What Is Doubt?
    2. Why Is Doubt Dangerous?
    3. What Do I Have To Believe To Be A Christian?
    4. How Can I Overcome Doubt As A Christian?
    5. How Can I Develop A Confident Faith?
    Conclusion: Living With Faith And Doubt

    Additional Info
    Many Christians experience times of doubt and uncertainty. At various times we can ask: Does God love me? Am I really a Christian? – and even Is there a God at all?!

    This short, readable book unpacks the difference between good and bad doubt, shows us where it comes from and how to deal with it in ourselves and others.

    It explains clearly and simply the liberating reality of what the Bible tells us about doubt, assurance and the Christian life.

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  • Light Of Freedom (DVD)


    When man’s law conflicts with God’s, there is no comprimise.
    The year is 1861. As President Lincoln calls for 75,000 men to join the Union army, the nation teeters on the brink of The Civil War. Meanwhile, a more covert battle waged by the Underground Railroad has been raging for decades. Station master William Hanby helps runaway slaves reach freedom, dangerously defying the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 and putting his own family in peril. The risk doubles when a bounty hunter shows up determined to make money by capturing escapees and returning them to their masters.

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  • Live Handbook : Your Life With Christ (Student/Study Guide)


    How To Use This Booklet
    1. How Do I Know It Is Real?
    2. What Is The Good News?
    3. Is It Worth It?
    4. A Time For Commitment
    5. New Life In Christ
    Extra Information

    Additional Info
    Thousands of people go on evangelistic courses each year. And then… what next?
    Countless Christians would love to brush up on the foundations of their faith. But… how to?

    Internationally renowned speaker, evangelist and author Becky Manley Pippert’s newest resource is the What Next and the How To. In five interactive, informal sessions combining DVD clips, Bible study, discussion times and testimony footage, Becky explores the truth and content of the gospel, and how to begin and keep going in the Christian life.

    This course is perfect for new believers, not-yet-believers, and Christians who want to be refreshed in their faith. Use the handbook alongside the course DVD and the free online leader’s guide.

    Becky says: “LIVE continues the journey from enquirer to disciple to spiritual maturity. My guess is there are people in your church who will really benefit from this course.”

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  • Can I Really Trust The Bible


    The Bible makes big claims for itself. But do those claims stand up?
    Aren’t the stories just legends? Hasn’t the information been corrupted over time? Isn’t the Bible full of mistakes? And isn’t it culturally outdated?
    In this absorbing little book, Barry Cooper explores these questions – and many others – with warmth, wit and integrity.

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  • Complete Illustrated Childrens Bible


    Lead your child into a lifetime love of the Bible with this colorful storybook. With nearly 300 beautiful two-page illustrations to capture even the youngest child’s imagination and heart, this vast collection of the Bible’s most-loved stories is just right for sharing together or reading alone throughout the day.

    The Illustrated Children’s Bible is the perfect picture and storybook for young ones and an ideal first reader your children will treasure.

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  • New The Movie (DVD)


    Penny, Nattie, Emmie, and Jess are best friends who spend their summer working at a creative arts center called All Things New. Together, they stage Art in the Park, a festival created for children to experience the joy of the arts. However, when a top talent scout shows up and offers Emmie’s adopted brother, Isaiah, a life of fame and fortune in Los Angeles, Isaiah is forced to make some difficult choices that may compromise his beliefs, as well as his relationships with his family and the kids who look up to him at the center.

    Filled with music, dancing, art, comedy, and drama, New is a fun family film that inspires viewers of all ages to use their gifts for the Lord.

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  • Great Transfer Of Wealth


    You Can Be a Part of God’s Great Release of Wealth!

    “Your gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day or night, that men may bring to you the wealth of the Gentiles.”
    -Isaiah 60:11

    The Bible proclaims a coming day when God will release a great transfer of the world’s wealth into the hands of His people. Why would God divert the world’s wealth in such a manner? Is it driven by greed or the evil spirit of mammon? Or might there be a higher purpose?

    Revered author C. Peter Wagner delves deeply into this amazing prophecy, showing how God will bring about a miraculous, worldwide financial transformation so that the Great Commission will be fulfilled and His kingdom will be established on earth. And these things will be witnessed by this generation! With great wisdom and clarity, Wagner describes…
    *The proper uses of this wealth
    *The mechanism of its distribution
    *The goals it is intended to achieve
    *How the newly financed church will use its “seven mountains of influence” to change the world

    God is poised to shake the world’s financial foundations to their core. All Bible-believing Christians need to take steps to be prepared, for they will be the ones God uses to receive this blessing, influence the world, and help to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission.

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  • Financial Freedom : How To Manage Your Money Wisely


    SKU (ISBN): 9781596369412ISBN10: 1596369418June HuntBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2014Hope For The HeartPublisher: Aspire Press – Hendrickson Publishing Group

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  • Dysfunctional Families : Making Peace With Your Past


    SKU (ISBN): 9781596369368ISBN10: 1596369361June HuntBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2014Hope For The HeartPublisher: Aspire Press – Hendrickson Publishing Group

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  • Holy Bible For Kids


    The ESV Holy Bible for Kids is a highly affordable Bible made just for kids. Thirty-two pages of specially prepared content are interspersed throughout the full ESV Bible text. These pages include illustrations that depict major scenes in the story of redemption. Kid-friendly maps are featured in the back. Young children will love calling this Bible their own.

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  • 1 More Try


    When doors slam and angry words fly, when things just aren’t working out, and even when your spouse has destroyed your trust, there is hope. If you feel like your marriage is near the breaking point – even if you have already split up – Gary Chapman will show you how you can give your marriage one more try. With wisdom, realism and compassion, Dr. Chapman guides hurting marriages toward healing. Take a step – and save your marriage.

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  • Perfectionism : The Performance Trap


    SKU (ISBN): 9781596369214ISBN10: 1596369213June HuntBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2014Hope For The HeartPublisher: Aspire Press – Hendrickson Publishing Group

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  • Finney On Revival


    Finney wrote, A revival is nothing else than a new beginning of obedience to God.
    Charles Finney brought forth God’s Word with a boldness and clarity that resulted in the salvation of more than half a million people, and over 85% of the people who found Christ through his ministry remained faithful to the Lord throughout their lives.

    G. Gilchrist Lawson wrote this about him, He was the greatest evangelist and theologian since the days of the apostles, and the reader of this Pure Gold Classic will understand why.

    Finney said: The treasure is in Heaven. A pure heart cannot be a friend of the universe. The Christian warfare is a war between the will and Satan. To commit yourself to Christ implies that you merge yourself in Him–make Him your end of life–make His glory your supreme end in all you do. You merger your will in His will, so that, apart from Him, you will have no will of your own. You wish for nothing, save what pleases Him, The Bible teaches that sin is forgiven when it is repented of, but never while it is persisted in.

    Charles Finney, as the above quotes reveal was blessed with a passion for souls, the fire of John the Baptist, and great zeal for the truth of God’s Word. Each chapter within this compelling book abounds with God-pleasing thoughts, anecdotes, suggestions, and words of encouragement that will produce a yearning and hunger in the reader for a true revival that will bring about true changes in people’s lives.

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  • Christmas Miracle


    SKU (UPC): 628855006499Artist: Joshua MillsMedia: CDReleased: June 2014Anchor Distributors Songs1. Christmas Waltz2. It Snowed3. This Christmas4. Precious Baby5. Marshmallow World6. Come On Ring Those Bells Christmas Vacation7. Angels From The Realms Of Glory8. Gift Of Love Heavens Kiss9. C H R I S T M A S10. Light One Candle11. Let The Season Take Wing12. …

    Christmas MiracleRead More

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  • Adventure Bible For Early Readers


    Ready for Adventure? Embark on a fun, exciting journey through God’s Word with the updated NIrV Adventure Bible for Early Readers. Along the way you’ll meet all types of people, see all sorts of places, and learn all kinds of things about the Bible. Features include: Full color throughout — makes learning about the people, places, and culture of the Bible even more engaging ‘Life in Bible Times’ articles and illustrations describe what life was like in ancient days; ‘People in Bible Times’ offer close-up looks at amazing people of the Bible ‘Did You Know?’ provides interesting facts that help you better understand God’s Word ‘Let’s Live It!’ includes hands-on activities to help you apply biblical truths to your life ‘Words to Treasure’ highlights great verses to memorize A dictionary for those tricky words Book introductions for basic facts about each book of the Bible (who wrote it, where it took place, and why it was written) 20 special pages of Bible fun with a jungle safari theme 8 pages of color maps. Includes the complete New International Reader’s Version (NIrV), which is written at a third grade reading level and based on the New International Version (NIV). The NIrV is perfect for children learning to read and explore the Bible for the first time on their own.

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  • Adventure Bible For Early Readers


    Ready for Adventure? Embark on a fun, exciting journey through God’s Word with the updated NIrV Adventure Bible for Early Readers. Along the way you’ll meet all types of people, see all sorts of places, and learn all kinds of things about the Bible. Features include: Full color throughout — makes learning about the people, places, and culture of the Bible even more engaging ‘Life in Bible Times’ articles and illustrations describe what life was like in ancient days; ‘People in Bible Times’ offer close-up looks at amazing people of the Bible ‘Did You Know?’ provides interesting facts that help you better understand God’s Word ‘Let’s Live It!’ includes hands-on activities to help you apply biblical truths to your life ‘Words to Treasure’ highlights great verses to memorize A dictionary for those tricky words Book introductions for basic facts about each book of the Bible (who wrote it, where it took place, and why it was written) 20 special pages of Bible fun with a jungle safari theme 8 pages of color maps. Includes the complete New International Reader’s Version (NIrV), which is written at a third grade reading level and based on the New International Version (NIV). The NIrV is perfect for children learning to read and explore the Bible for the first time on their own.

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  • Adventure Bible For Early Readers


    Ready for Adventure? Embark on a fun, exciting journey through God’s Word with the updated NIrV Adventure Bible for Early Readers. Along the way you’ll meet all types of people, see all sorts of places, and learn all kinds of things about the Bible. Features include: Full color throughout — makes learning about the people, places, and culture of the Bible even more engaging ‘Life in Bible Times’ articles and illustrations describe what life was like in ancient days; ‘People in Bible Times’ offer close-up looks at amazing people of the Bible ‘Did You Know?’ provides interesting facts that help you better understand God’s Word ‘Let’s Live It!’ includes hands-on activities to help you apply biblical truths to your life ‘Words to Treasure’ highlights great verses to memorize A dictionary for those tricky words Book introductions for basic facts about each book of the Bible (who wrote it, where it took place, and why it was written) 20 special pages of Bible fun with a jungle safari theme 8 pages of color maps. Includes the complete New International Reader’s Version (NIrV), which is written at a third grade reading level and based on the New International Version (NIV). The NIrV is perfect for children learning to read and explore the Bible for the first time on their own.

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  • Adventure Bible For Early Readers


    Ready for Adventure? Embark on a fun, exciting journey through God’s Word with the updated NIrV Adventure Bible for Early Readers. Along the way you’ll meet all types of people, see all sorts of places, and learn all kinds of things about the Bible. Features include: Full color throughout — makes learning about the people, places, and culture of the Bible even more engaging ‘Life in Bible Times’ articles and illustrations describe what life was like in ancient days; ‘People in Bible Times’ offer close-up looks at amazing people of the Bible ‘Did You Know?’ provides interesting facts that help you better understand God’s Word ‘Let’s Live It!’ includes hands-on activities to help you apply biblical truths to your life ‘Words to Treasure’ highlights great verses to memorize A dictionary for those tricky words Book introductions for basic facts about each book of the Bible (who wrote it, where it took place, and why it was written) 20 special pages of Bible fun with a jungle safari theme 8 pages of color maps. Includes the complete New International Reader’s Version (NIrV), which is written at a third grade reading level and based on the New International Version (NIV). The NIrV is perfect for children learning to read and explore the Bible for the first time on their own.

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  • 7 Deadly Words (DVD)


    Pastor Evan Bennett takes on more than he bargained for when he arrives in Connersville, Indiana, to settle into his new role at Egypt Valley Community Church. Out of funds and out of touch with the community, Evan’s new church needs a strong leader to stand up to tradition. Inspired by the challenge, Evan and several members of the congregation set out to rebuild relationships, repair the broken-down facility, and replenish the church’s bank account.

    When a major spending issue threatens the church’s very survival, Evan steps in with a controversial budget proposal. However, his cuts to the foreign missions spending do not sit well with the Haman family and the traditional members who cling to the seven deadly words: “We’ve never done it that way before.” Soon, what begins as a debate over giving becomes a holy war with Evan as the target. Based on actual events, this powerful drama will delight you, surprise you, and inspire you to know that sometimes, questioning the status quo can lead to the best outcome of all.

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  • Titus : The Good Life (Student/Study Guide)


    Tim Chester shows how the gospel makes a real difference as he takes us to this little-read, life-changing New Testament letter.
    With clarity and insight, he helps small groups to be excited about, and equipped for, letting the truth transform their lives, their churches, and their mission.
    These five studies will help small groups and individuals see how to live the good life.

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  • Forget Not His Benefits


    SKU (ISBN): 9781629112251ISBN10: 1629112259Roberts LiardonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2014Publisher: Banner Publishing

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  • Run To The Battle


    This volume combines three best-selling books-The Invading Force, A Call to Action, and Run to the Battle-in their original form but updated for today’s reader. The prophetic message they bring is just as powerful and relevant today as it was when author Roberts Liardon first spoke it. “When you invade, do not have second thoughts and retreat-just invade. You are in it to the death-not your death, but the devil’s death! Your attitude needs to be… I am going to win, or I am going to die fighting.”

    The Holy Spirit is bringing revival to the church, and the church is rising up in a fresh anointing, a holy faith, and a Spirit-led zeal to win the lost as never before. If you are a believer who is serious about fulfilling God’s call on your life and taking this world for Jesus Christ, the truths in this new edition will transform you into a powerful soldier in God’s army. These three books in one provide the vital information and wisdom you need to hear God’s voice and Run to the Battle!

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  • Price Of Spiritual Power


    If you are serious about moving closer to God and doing what it takes to have a deeper walk with Jesus, here are four Roberts Liardon titles in one volume that will help you to get there!

    Holding to the Word of the Lord will teach you how to hold on to what God has told you and to move forward in victory.

    The Quest for Spiritual Hunger will point the way to a deeper, more intimate relationship with God and the victory that comes with it.

    The Price of Spiritual Power will light the path to holiness and spiritual power.

    Spiritual Timing will insure that you not only do the right thing, but that you do it at the right time, in God’s timing, where victory dwells.

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  • Red Sea Rules


    Just as Moses and the Israelites found themselves caught between “the devil and the deep Red Sea,” so are we sometimes overwhelmed by life’s problems. But God delivered the Israelites, and He will deliver us too. The Red Sea Rules reveals, even in the midst of seemingly impossible situations, God’s promise to make a way for us. His loving guidance will protect us through danger, illness, marital strife, financial problems–whatever challenges Satan places in our path. Using the Israelites’ story as an example, Robert Morgan offers ten sound strategies for moving from fear to faith. Among them:
    Realize that God means for you to be where you are. Acknowledge your enemy, but keep your eyes on the Lord. Pray. Life is hard. It is certain that we will face difficulties, and that God will allow them, as He allowed the Israelites to become trapped between Pharaoh’s rushing armies and the uncrossable Red Sea. But just as certain is the fact that the same God who led us in will lead us out. As The Red Sea Rules makes clear, He is in control. Updated edition with new study questions accompanying each chapter.

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  • Jesus Calling : Enjoying Peace In His Presence (Deluxe)


    Experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is closer than you can imagine.

    In this bestselling devotional, readers will receive words of hope, encouragement, comfort, and reassurance of Jesus’ unending love. The devotions are written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to each reader. Each entry is accompanied by Scripture for further reflection and meditation.

    This edition is sure to be a favorite in the popular Jesus Calling line. The fashionable teal color in deluxe leathersoft format has feminine floral touches, giving a gorgeous, elegant feel that will appeal to women to purchase for themselves or for all their friends.

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  • 3 Minute Devotions For Girls


    Got 3 minutes, girl? Take a few moments of your day to quiet your spirit, think on God’s amazing love for you, and make a meaningful connection with your heavenly Father with these 3-minute readings designed just for you! This delightful devotional packs a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration into dozens readings designed to meet you right where you are in life. Minute 1: meditate on a scripture selection; Minute 2: read through a devotional created just for you; Minute 3: read a prayer designed to help jump-start your conversation with God. In only 3 short minutes, you’ll be on your way to beautiful blessings!

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  • Star Book For Ministers (Revised)


    Twenty years have passed since the last revision of this best-selling resource for pastors. This third revised edition features everything ministers love about the classic, with some valuable updates for twenty-first century ministry.

    Key features:

    Restores the beloved Episcopal funeral service-back by popular demand!
    Honors the familiar and indispensable wedding and funeral service materials.
    Offers a rich selection of Scriptures from the beautiful King James Version for diverse occasions of pastoral care.
    New additions feature a cremation service and a service for the interment of ashes.
    Includes a new preface from Rev. Dr. Aidsand Wright-Riggins III, Executive Director of the American Baptist Home Mission Societies and CEO of Judson Press.

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  • Letter For Joe (DVD)


    A fun, modern day retelling of the story of Joseph
    Joe Roberts (Evan Schwalb) idolizes his older brother, Denny (Neil Schwalb), and Denny’s college friends. But to the guys, Joe is a pesky nuisance whose Christian faith makes him strange, so Denny devises an elaborate prank to write a fake letter and send Joe on a wild goose chase to strike up a friendship with the richest man in America, the reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes (Jeff Wise).

    Grateful for the opportunity, Joe spends all his savings on a flight to meet Mr. Hughes, armed with the phony letter and God’s promises that all things work together for good. However, what started as a practical joke turns serious as each man puts God’s forgiveness to the test. Set in small-town Florida and the freewheeling Las Vegas of the 1970s, this modern retelling of the biblical story of Joseph also features Gena Burghoff as Jodi Curtis and the original song “Finally” performed by Nick Hildyard.

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  • Irresistible Husband : The Strength Of Fully Expressed Manhood


    Every man should know what his father failed to teach him, what women couldn’t tell him, and what his pastor wanted to say…but only behind closed doors.

    This honest, no-nonsense book by Edwin Louis Cole provides an invaluable guide to launch a new generation of family leaders…with profound truths about sex, commitment, communication, career, child-rearing, and more. Find out…

    *The formula for life success
    *How to avoid outside forces conquering you
    *Turning the tide on fatherlessness
    *Building character step-by-step
    *Ten investments to maintain a great marriage

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  • Every Mans Bible Deluxe Journeyman Edition


    The Bible for every battle every man faces! This is a man’s type of Bible-straight talk about the challenges of life. Every Man’s Bible has thousands of notes on topics from work, sex, and competition to integrity and more and trusted advice from the pros, just for men. Every Man’s Bible is written by the best-selling author of the Every Man’s series, Steve Arterburn.

    *New International Version text
    *Book introductions and 44 charts
    *Study Notes Help you gain a better perspective on a particular verse or passage
    *Men, Women, and God-This feature focuses on two of the most important relationships in every man’s life: his relationship with God and his relationships with women
    *Someone You Should Know-Profiles of men in the Bible and what their lives can teach us about the importance of faith in our own lives
    *What the Bible Says About-Gives insight into the Bible’s vital message on all kinds of topics for daily living
    *Perspectives-Glean bits of information from great men who have lived through many of the same issues and struggles that you face
    *Personal Gold-Sound advice from the pros: Henry Blackaby, Stuart Briscoe, Tony Evans, David Jeremiah, Gordon MacDonald, Bill McCartney, J. I. Packer, Joseph Stowell, and Chuck Swindoll

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  • Every Mans Bible Deluxe Heritage Edition


    The Bible for every battle every man faces! This is a man’s type of Bible-straight talk about the challenges of life. Every Man’s Bible has thousands of notes on topics from work, sex, and competition to integrity and more and trusted advice from the pros, just for men. Every Man’s Bible is written by the best-selling author of the Every Man’s series, Steve Arterburn.

    *New International Version text
    *Book introductions and 44 charts
    *Study Notes Help you gain a better perspective on a particular verse or passage
    *Men, Women, and God-This feature focuses on two of the most important relationships in every man’s life: his relationship with God and his relationships with women
    *Someone You Should Know-Profiles of men in the Bible and what their lives can teach us about the importance of faith in our own lives
    *What the Bible Says About-Gives insight into the Bible’s vital message on all kinds of topics for daily living
    *Perspectives-Glean bits of information from great men who have lived through many of the same issues and struggles that you face
    *Personal Gold-Sound advice from the pros: Henry Blackaby, Stuart Briscoe, Tony Evans, David Jeremiah, Gordon MacDonald, Bill McCartney, J. I. Packer, Joseph Stowell, and Chuck Swindoll

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  • 12 Disciples : 10 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    Getting The Most Out Of The Twelve Disciples
    1 Andrew: Bringing Others To Jesus – John 1:35-42
    2 Simon Peter: Defending (and Rebuking) The Savior – Mark 1:16-20; 8:27-38
    3 Matthew: Drawing In The Outcast – Matthew 9:9-13
    4 James: Hating Our Enemies – Luke 9:51-56; Acts 12:1-2
    5 Philip: Learning To Trust – John 6:1-13
    6 John: Seeking To Be The Greatest – Matthew 20:20-28
    7 Thomas: Leaving Doubt Behind – John 20:19-29
    8 Nathanael: Developing Spiritual Insight – John 1:43-51
    9 Judas Iscariot: Turning Away – Matthew 26:14-30, 47-50; 27:1-10
    10 Three Others: Faithful To The End – Luke 18:18-34
    Leader’s Notes

    Additional Info
    Ten inductive Bible studies on Jesus’ twelve disciples.

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