Christian Living
Showing 251–300 of 1497 resultsSorted by latest
Practica De La Presencia De Di – (Spanish)
$8.99Este libro es un clasico sobre desarrollar la consciencia de la presencia de Dios. Su autor, el Hermano Lawrence (nacido como Nicolas Herman), fraile catolico de la orden de los Carmelitas en el Siglo 17, fue un hombre de origen humilde que descubrio el mayor secreto de vivir en el reino de Dios aqui en la tierra. Es el arte de “practicar la presencia de Dios en un solo acto que no acaba”. A menudo afirmaba que es Dios quien se pinta a si mismo en lo mas profundo de nuestras almas. Simplemente debemos abrir nuestros corazones para recibirlo a El y a su presencia amorosa.
Como humilde cocinero, el Hermano Lawrence aprendio una leccion importante a traves de cada tarea diaria: el tiempo que pasas en comunion con el Seor debe ser el mismo, ya sea que estes ocupado en la cocina, con varias personas haciendo preguntas al mismo tiempo, o de rodillas en oracion. Aprendio a cultivar la profunda presencia de Dios tan a fondo en su propio corazon que pudo exclamar con alegria: “Estoy haciendo ahora lo que hare por toda la eternidad. Estoy bendiciendo a Dios, alabandolo, adorandolo y amandolo con todo mi corazon”.
Este clasico sin igual ha brindado bendicion e instruccion a aquellos que pueden contentarse con nada menos que conocer a Dios en toda su majestad y sentir su amorosa presencia a lo largo de cada dia sencillo.
This book is a classic on developing awareness of God’s presence. Its author, Brother Lawrence (born Nicolas Herman), a 17th-century Catholic friar of the Carmelite order, was a man of humble origins who discovered the greatest secret of living in the kingdom of God here on earth. It is the art of “practicing the presence of God in a single act that does not end”. He often claimed that it is God who paints Himself in the depths of our souls. We simply must open our hearts to receive Him and His loving presence.
As a humble cook, Brother Lawrence learned an important lesson through each daily task: the time you spend in communion with the Lord should be the same whether you are busy in the kitchen, with several people asking questions at the same time, or kneeling in prayer. He learned to cultivate the profound presence of God so deeply in his own heart that he was able to exclaim with joy: “I am doing now what I will do for all eternity. I am blessing God, praising Him, worshiping Him, and loving Him with all my heart.”
This peerless classic has provided blessing and instruction to those who can be content with nothing less than to kno
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Signposts On The Road To Success
$14.99“You have within you all of the qualities and elements that are necessary to make you a success. Your chief work is the development of the thing that nature has already given you.” — E. W. Kenyon
Signposts on the Road to Success will stir your spirit and challenge your heart, no matter who you are or what you do. The simple yet profound truths in this little gem of a book have changed countless lives. They are based on a series of radio messages from legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon’s show, Kenyon’s Church of the Air.
The book guides you on a path to identify your latent talents and gifts so that you can bring out the best in yourself. Kenyon’s wisdom will help you to achieve whatever plans God has put on your heart.
This book will teach you:
*How to discover the gifts you possess from God
*Why you need to be responsible in all aspects of life, not just your calling
*How to develop your gifts and be a leader in your field
*Why you need love in your life
*The power of your words
*Why worry can hinder your success
*How to follow God’s leadingWhen God is the strength of your life and you know Christ as your Savior, you will know that God is in you and His ability is your ability. Doors of opportunity open. All you have to do is access what God has placed inside you and get to work!
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Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Change
$16.99Thriving in a Constantly Changing World
Changes and disruptions come to us all–whether we are prepared for them or not. We also face sweeping societal changes in our day as pivotal arenas of life converge to transform our globe. How we deal with those inevitable changes, no matter what their source, determines whether they will ultimately be a positive or negative force in our lives.
Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe shows how to experience confidence and move forward with your life’s vision, even in the uncertainty of our changing world. From his extensive experience and creative know-how, he reveals how to transform any change for your good, enabling you to fulfill your God-given purpose. Through this book, you can discover how to:
*Become an active part of change–not its victim
*Make preparations for times of change
*Initiate a much-needed course correction in life
*Safeguard against disappointment and frustration
*Rely on your one constant during periods of transition
*Become creative and innovative
*Overcome your fears during troubling times
*Tap into the positive power of changeNo matter what interruptions or upheavals you face, you can be proactive by pursuing your purpose. Let that purpose be your guide so you can exercise your full potential, even in unsettled times.
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90 Days Of Power Prayer
$16.99In the hectic pace of day-to-day life, prayer can easily be forgotten and neglected. But Pastor Kynan Bridges is convinced that once believers recognize the power of daily prayer, they will never hesitate to come before Goda(TM)s throne. In this 90-day devotional, he walks through the purpose, the biblical basis, and the uplifting content of ninety different prayers, including:
*Prayer for protection
*Prayer for deliverance
*Prayer for forgiveness
*Prayer for overcoming fear
*Prayer for marriage and relationships
*Prayer for seeing the unseen
*Prayer for transformation
*Prayer for overcoming stressRead moreOut of stock
Cuando Todo Cambio – (Spanish)
$15.99Cuando las circunstancias de la vida cambian, nos sentimos inseguros e incomodos. Al margen de que las causas del cambio sean pandemias, desastres naturales, traumas personales o problemas en el lugar de trabajo, nos encontramos dolidos, sorprendidos y confundidos sobre que hacer.
Michelle McKinney Hammond conoce las bolas curvas de la vida. Ella ha atrapado muchas de ellas. Pero cuando estaba de visita en Inglaterra para dar unas charlas y el mundo de repente entro en modo de confinamiento debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, la tomo por sorpresa igual que a nosotros. Era hora de que ella cambiara de marcha.
Como una amiga que ha estado donde tu estas ahora, Michelle ofrece una voz tranquilizadora: Cuando todo cambio !Dile si a lo proximo! Tejiendo historias de las Escrituras con relatos de su propia vida, ofrece lecciones sinceras, oraciones y preguntas de reflexion para ayudarte a abrazar lo proximo que llegue a tu vida.
Cuando todo cambio…
*Provee herramientas practicas para navegar el cambio.
*Da principios espirituales solidos para lidiar con los cambios de la vida.
*Permite considerar el valor de los errores.
*Ayuda a aceptar el cambio como una oportunidad.
*Cambia tu perspectiva para esperar lo mejor mientras Dios te redirige.“La mentalidad lo es todo cuando te enfrentas a un cambio inesperado”, seala Michelle. “…Estes listo o no, el cambio sucede. No es el fin. !Siempre hay un ‘proximo’!” !Dile que si!
When life circumstances change, we feel insecure and uncomfortable. Whether the causes of change are pandemics, natural disasters, personal trauma, or workplace issues, we find ourselves hurt, surprised, and confused about what to do.
Michelle McKinney Hammond knows the curveballs of life. She has caught many of them. But when she was visiting England to give talks and the world suddenly went into lockdown mode due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she was caught by surprise just like us. It was time for her to change gears.
Like a friend who’s been where you are now, Michelle offers a reassuring voice: When Everything Changed: Say Yes to the Next Thing! Weaving stories from Scripture with accounts from her own life, she offers candid lessons, prayers, and thoughtful questions to help you embrace whatever comes your way next.
When Everything Changed…*Provides practical tools to navigate change.
*Gives sound spiritual principles to deal with life’s changes.
*Allows you to consider the value of the errors.
*Helps you tRead moreOut of stock
War On Children
$26.99In The War on Children, bestselling author, John MacArthur, offers the tools needed to understand the enemy’s battle plan and be ready for the next assault. As God’s people, we need to:
*Teach our children God’s Word
*Train them in righteousness
*Give them wise and biblically based guidance
*And above all, give them our extravagant loveEvery day, on a multitude of battlefronts, Satan is deploying weapons of mass corruption against our children. Modern culture has been systematically designed with an agenda that is aggressively anti-God, anti-Christ, and anti-Scripture, intended to corrupt and consume young, impressionable hearts and minds.
We are in the middle of a dangerous ideological conflict with eternity at stake. Christian parents cannot simply float passively along with the drift of our culture. We need to:
*Be aware of the threats this world poses to our children
*Understand the enemy’s battle plan and be ready for the next assault
*Prepare our children for the attacks they will face from a culture intent on their destruction.Read moreOut of stock
Mi Pequeno Libro De Promesas – (Spanish)
$4.99Cuando anheles el consuelo y el animo, el libro de regalo Mi Pequeo Libro de Promesas te recordara suavemente de las promesas encontradas dentro de la Palabra de Dios y de la sabiduria de lideres espirituales que han abierto camino delante de ti. Este libro precioso presenta una coleccion escogida con mucho cuidado de versiculos de las Escrituras y citas organizados por temas. Cada pagina es un testamento a las promesas que nuestro Dios incambiable les ha hecho a los que han puesto su confianza en El. Deja que este lindo regalo te levante el espiritu y reafirme tu fe, recordandote del amor firme y guia disponible para ti en cada etapa de la vida. Una hermosa montaa se levanta entre la neblina detras de un valle lleno de flores en la portada de cartulina gruesa y resistente del libro. El titulo esta enmarcado con un borde de color cuero y esta presentado con letras blancas acentuadas con letras doradas metalicas
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Vision Of Jesus
$19.99What if Genesis through Revelation is just the beginning of knowing who God is?
This book will guide you into a deeper understanding and intimacy with God as you study who He is as the resurrected King. You will have a better grasp of the book of Revelation and who Jesus is revealed in this powerful part of Scripture.
The image we have of Jesus is one that affects the way we act as Christians and the way we take the gospel to the world. That image has sometimes been reflected badly because we do not have a fully rounded image of the Jesus we love and worship. Indeed, some modern concepts of Jesus in the church would be difficult to worship.
In Revelation 1, Jesus appears in a vision given to the apostle John. It is an awesome, majestic vision. The Bible, perhaps intentionally, doesn’t give us much information about what Jesus looked like in human form. Yet here in John’s apocalyptic book, God gives us an image that transcends the incarnation, an image of Jesus we can really focus on. In A Vision of Jesus, respected Bible teacher R.T. Kendall mines Revelation 1 to show readers:
*The unique promise of the Book of Revelation
*What Revelation teaches us about how to handle guilt, jealousy, and the unexpected
*Who God is and how Jesus is the fulfilment of the Old Testament pictures, as well as our great High Priest, the King, and moreIn these pages, Kendall guides readers toward a faith enriched by a more complete image of the Savior. Engaging and enlightening, this book will inspire Christians to renew their devotion to Jesus and share His transformative love with the world.
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3 Minute Prayers For Moms
$9.99Got 3 Minutes? . . .
Take a few moments of your day to pause, reflect, and grow your faith with these 3-minute prayers.
You’ll find just the inspiration you need for your busy life in 3-Minute Prayers for Moms. This practical book packs a powerful dose of inspiration into 3 short minutes.
*Minute 1: scripture to meditate on;
*Minute 2: a just-right-sized devotional prayer;
*Minute 3: a question for further reflection.Each day’s prayer meet you right where you are and is a great way for you to begin or end your day.
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Bible Promise Book For Women Barbour Simplified KJV Prayer Edition
$16.99God promises–
especially for women.Here is an expanded edition of the bestselling The Bible Promise Book, especially for ladies. Featuring hundreds of promises of God, encouraging prayers, and inspiring quotations to strengthen your faith, The Bible Promise Book for Women–Prayer Edition will be a source of strength for every Christian woman.
Need to know what God says about Comfort? How about Duty? Or maybe Encouragement, Hospitality, Perseverance, Prayer, or Strength are your concerns today. If you need to know what the Bible says about dozens of key life topics, turn to The Bible Promise Book for Women–Barbour Simplified KJV Prayer Edition.
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Moments Of Hope
$7.99Connect with God in a new way and find the hope in every moment.
As women, we deeply desire wisdom, encouragement, and hope amid the busyness and distractions of our everyday lives.
In Moments of Hope we are encouraged to redirect our thinking to understand ourselves, our world, and our God accurately. Complete with Bible verses, helpful stories, and practical application, these short daily devotions are designed to move us further along that path of having our hearts refreshed, our lives transformed, and our hope restored.
Moments of Hope will encourage women to discover biblical wisdom and purpose so they can see how God’s love, kindness, and compassion for them is where true hope can be found.
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Bedtime Family Devotional
$18.99Connect with God as a family in just a few minutes each night
You love your children and want to pass your faith on to them, but in the busy activity of daily life, it’s not as easy as it sounds.
This helpful, hopeful family resource is exactly what you need to strengthen your faith as a family. It includes 90 days of biblically grounded devotions, prayers, and action steps.
Organized into three sections, this devotional helps parents answer three important questions: What do I want my child to know? What do I want my child to be? What do I want my child to do? As you walk through these pages together at the end of each day, you will not only instill God’s Word in your children’s hearts, but you will equip them to:*understand basic theology
*develop Christlike character and virtue
*discover their unique God-given gifts
*live as confident witnesses in the worldBefore your children’s heads hit the pillow, let Jesus be the last thing on their minds.
Great for families with kids ages 6 to 12
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Prayers For A Widows Journey
$9.99“I don’t want a future, Lord. I want my past. But ahead lie Your plans. Ahead lies life.”
Life after a husband’s death is full of grief, uncertainty, and loneliness. Who can possibly understand the heavy ache of this new life that must be lived alone? Only someone who has lived this experience too.
In Prayers for a Widow’s Journey, a collection of more than 100 reflective prayers, author Gayle Roper talks to the Lord about what it feels like to be caught in the unsought solitude of widowhood. Each prayer is accompanied by a verse from Scripture that grounds the prayer not in self-pity, but in an awareness of the boundless care of the God of all comfort. Rather than explaining grief away, Gayle acknowledges the pain and invites you to trust God even in these darkest of days.
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Jesus Everywhere : 60 Days Of Encountering God In Unexpected Places
$21.99Notice God in Every Detail of Your Day
It’s easy to get stuck seeing life as a series of endless patterns that leave you feeling bored and burned out. Yet for followers of God, there’s no such thing as ordinary–we’re invited to experience Jesus at every unsuspected turn.
In Jesus Everywhere, author Kariss Farris shares bite-size devotions birthed from her everyday experiences as a wife, mother, and business owner. Jam-packed with reflection questions, encouraging prayers, and scriptural insights, this book will inspire you to take inventory of each day and boldly act on the wisdom you’ve gained as a servant and daughter of the God Most High. Meanwhile, you’ll journey with Kariss to notice each of life’s moments–whether routine or extraordinary–and uncover all that is vibrant, beautiful, and given to you by God.
No matter your season of life or faith, this uplifting devotional will help rejuvenate your walk with Christ. Answer this call to break away from the mundane and emerge engaged in God’s daily work in your life as you experience Jesus, everywhere.
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Is Everyone Happier Than Me
$19.99The point where you feel like your life is unraveling can actually be a place of unimaginable growth–an awakening–if you’re willing to ask yourself a few simple questions.
In an age where everyone else’s successes are flaunted in front of you on social media, it can be a struggle to feel true happiness and contentment exactly where you are. Throw in difficult circumstances–loss, heartbreak, change, midlife–and it’s easy to understand why you feel lonely, lost, unsure of yourself, stuck, and, if you’re honest with yourself, flat-out unhappy.
Is Everyone Happier Than Me? provides practical and relatable answers to the questions you’ve probably already been asking about your life, and poses a few more, to help you figure out what’s standing in the way of your happiness, peace, and connection. Author, podcaster, and midlife mom Sarah Bragg is a trustworthy comrade for the journey as she shares the valuable lessons she’s learned in her own hard seasons to help you:
*Identify the unhealthy habits you do when you feel unhappy and how to overcome them
*Discover simple ways to find peace even in the murky middle of hard seasons
*Find new ways to connect with others and yourself
*Embrace exactly where you are even as you try to move forwardIt’s time to let go of the ideal of a perfect life and allow yourself to be a work in progress. And there’s no better time to find happiness than right here in the middle.
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Raising Mentally Strong Kids
$27.99Parenting is about to get easier–and a whole lot more effective….
In a time when so many children and young adults seem to be struggling, parents are looking for help in bringing up mentally healthy kids who are equipped to thrive. Finally, evidence-based help is now available for overwhelmed parents who are trying their best but feel like they’re falling short.
#1 New York Times bestselling author and neuropsychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen and child psychologist Dr. Charles Fay have teamed up to reveal what’s missing from most parenting books. It’s the fact that you need to address both the brain and the mind of your child (and yourself) in order to effectively raise good and strong humans.
In this groundbreaking book where neuroscience meets love and logic, parents are given practical tools to help children of all ages go from behavioral problems like defiance, meltdowns, and power struggles to being:
*Responsible, confident, kind, and resilient
*Better prepared to make good decisions
*More focused and motivated
*Better able to have healthy relationships, and more….Let Dr. Amen and Dr. Fay help you learn how to be the parent you’ve always dreamed you could be-and raise great kids who are on their way to reaching their full potential, including their best possible mental health.
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New Morning Mercies
$34.99365 Gospel-Centered Devotions for the Whole Year | Over 1 Million Copies Sold
Mornings can be tough. Sometimes, a hearty breakfast and strong cup of coffee just aren’t enough. Offering more than a rush of caffeine, best-selling author Paul David Tripp wants to energize you with the most potent encouragement imaginable: the gospel.
Forget “behavior modification” or feel-good aphorisms. Tripp knows that what we really need is an encounter with the living God. Then we’ll be prepared to trust in God’s goodness, rely on his grace, and live for his glory each and every day.
*365 Engaging Devotionals: Each daily reading includes questions for personal reflection and application, guidelines for prayer, and a list of relevant biblical passages for further study
*Popular Daily Devotional: Over 1 million copies sold
*Written by Paul David Tripp: Author of several books, including Lead; Reactivity; and Journey to the Cross: A 40-Day Lenten Devotional
*Quality TruTone Cover
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Power Of Hope
$17.99Let all that I am wait quietly before God,
for my hope is in him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation,
my fortress where I will not be shaken.
Psalm 62:5-6 NLTHope is a powerful weapon against feelings of helplessness, stress, and dissatisfaction. It increases happiness and improves our quality of life by helping us to remain committed to goals and by motivating us to take action. Hope gives us a reason to keep fighting through the tough days, believing that our circumstances will improve.
Where we place our hope is critical. If we hope for temporary things, whether we achieve them or not, we are left wanting. But when we hope in what is eternal, our longing is quenched in the stream of God’s love. His presence assures us that we are never alone.
The sacrifice Jesus made secured our redemption and reconciled us to our very good Father. Our future is certain. Our present circumstances can be endured. We can thrive, knowing that our inheritance is to spend eternity with our amazing Creator.As you read these Scriptures, devotions, and prayers, be encouraged by the hope God gives you. Walk in confidence each day with peace and joy that remain no matter what the circumstance may be. Your eternity is secure!
*High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.
*Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture.
*Metallic and matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance certain features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal.
*High-quality sturdy Smyth-sewn binding stitches book signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the overall design.
*Matte art high quality paper with a smooth satin touch provides long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.
*A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.
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Explore Apr-Jun 2024
$9.99Ninety-one dated and numbered devotions from April to June 2024, covering portions of the Psalms, Jason Meyer on Mark’s Gospel, Ligon Duncan on 1 Thessalonians, and Steve Lawson on Philippians.
These daily devotionals will take you around 15 minutes. In just 15 minutes you can be encouraged to dig into the treasures of the Bible for yourself, excited to know and love Jesus Christ more and more each day, and equipped to live for him in the time and place that he has put you in.
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Loving People Who Are Hard To Love
$18.99Renowned Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer teaches readers to love the people in their life who are hard to love.
We’re never going to be able to prevent people from saying or doing things that hurt our feelings. We will always have opportunities to get offended. But if we do things God’s way, we can choose to save ourselves a lot of misery and hardship. This doesn’t mean we allow people to abuse us. No, there is a time for confronting people and dealing with situations. However, the Bible commands us to love our enemies and forgive those who have wronged us, even when it feels impossible.
Everything the Lord asks us to do in the Bible is ultimately for our good. In fact, when we choose to love our enemies and forgive those who have hurt us, we are actually helping ourselves more than anyone else. Because whatever the Lord commands us to do, He is going to give us the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish it–and that includes loving and being good to difficult people! God’s love flowing through us is strong enough to melt even the hardest hearts, so use kindness as a weapon to overcome the meanness in people.
A Study Guide is also available for purchase.
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Not All Roads Lead To Heaven Devotional
$18.99Jesus said no one comes to the Father except through him. But in our inclusive world, such an exclusive claim isn’t popular. Believers today face persistent pressure to abandon this belief, which the world sees as antiquated at best and hateful at worst. What we need is godly encouragement to stay the course and courage to share the gospel compassionately with those around us.
Based on his popular book Not All Roads Lead to Heaven, this new devotional from Dr. Robert Jeffress offers 100 daily readings to bolster your faith in Jesus and boost your passion for sharing the Good News. These readings delve into what both the Old and New Testaments say about salvation, answer popular objections to the gospel, and equip you with the wisdom, reasoning, and illustrations you need to share your faith with boldness and love.
God has appointed us to be his representatives on earth to proclaim the truth that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. It’s the most loving thing we can do for the people around us. Let this devotional encourage and equip you to live joyfully in the knowledge of our one-of-a-kind Savior.
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Help Is Here
$19.99Bills pile up. Savings accounts go down. Marriages go south. Pandemics rage. Work goes off the rails. Stress goes off the charts. Suddenly, you feel powerless to calm life’s chaos. It’s all too much to take on by yourself. But pastor and bestselling author Max Lucado has great news for you–Help Is Here.
Now more than ever, we’re all weary from the loads we carry and the challenges we face. We have questions we cannot answer and problems we cannot solve. We’d hoped that life would be an invigorating adventure or an inspiring journey. We never expected to grow so tired so quickly. But Max teaches us that we can find fresh strength and purpose in the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Bible makes more than a hundred references to the Holy Spirit, and Jesus says more about the Spirit than he does about the church, marriage, finances, and the future. But do we really know the Spirit? In Help Is Here, Max will give you the tools and encouragement you need to:
*Learn who the Spirit is and how the Spirit can help
*Become joyful, enthusiastic, and empowered as you draw closer to God
*Confidently take on any difficulty with the power of the Spirit
*Discover your unique gifts and purpose to further God’s kingdomHelp Is Here reminds us that our Good Shepherd doesn’t just feed us; he leads us. He does more than correct us; he directs us. God keeps us on track–and best of all, he’s commissioned the Holy Spirit to guide us down the winding roads of life, wherever they may lead us.
No more walking this path alone. No more carrying weight you were not intended to bear. It’s time for you to enjoy the presence of the Holy Spirit and experience the vigorous life he offers. You can rest easy knowing that Help Is Here.
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New Morning Mercies
$24.99Paul David Tripp’s Bestselling Devotional Features 365 Gospel-Centered Readings for the Whole Year
Mornings can be tough. Sometimes, a hearty breakfast and strong cup of coffee just aren’t enough. Offering far more than a rush of caffeine, bestselling author Paul David Tripp aims to energize Christian readers with the most potent encouragement imaginable: the gospel.
In the popular devotional New Morning Mercies, 365 engaging readings lead off with a compelling, gospel-centered thought, followed by an extended meditation for the day. Focused less on behavior modification and more on helping people encounter the living God, this resource equips readers with the good news that they need to trust in God’s goodness, rely on his grace, and live for his glory-day in and day out.
*365 Engaging Devotionals: Each daily reading includes questions for personal reflection and application, guidelines for prayer, and a list of relevant biblical passages for further study
*Popular Daily Devotional: Over 1 million copies sold
*Written by Paul David Tripp: Author of several books, including Lead; Reactivity; and Journey to the Cross: A 40-Day Lenten Devotional
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Living Hope : Called Out Of Darkness And Into His Light
$14.99How do we as Christians stand firm in the face of trials? How do we find our identity in Christ, even when the fire comes? The late pastor Josh Patrick was no stranger to these questions.
Living Hope, adapted from Josh’s sermon series on 1 Peter, explores what the apostle Peter meant when he wrote that God “has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Pet. 1:3). Josh speaks through this book about how to become who we are called to be in Christ-a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession (1 Pet. 2:9)-and how to live that identity out through our relationships with our spouses, our church family, and even total strangers.
This book is an encouragement to Christians in all walks of life, undergoing all types of circumstances. Living Hope bolsters Christians to be beacons of hope and goodness in a world of darkness, letting go of our struggles, waking up to the challenges of our culture, and standing firm in our faith.
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New Morning Mercies For Teens
$19.99Paul David Tripp’s Bestselling Daily Devotional New Morning Mercies, Adapted for Teenagers
Teenagers today face unprecedented and complex challenges in their lives and relationships. Parents and youth leaders can offer valuable Christian guidance, but it’s in Scripture that we encounter the wisdom of Jesus, new and sufficient for that day’s difficulty and temptation.
This updated edition of Paul David Tripp’s bestselling book New Morning Mercies features 366 engaging daily devotionals, adapted for teenagers. Each day includes a one-sentence, gospel-centered reading and an extended meditation, Bible verses, and a prompt for discussion or personal reflection. Tripp also includes a bonus Q&A chapter in which he briefly answers questions around relevant topics including anxiety, gender, social media, and spiritual disciplines. Focused less on behavior modification and more on helping teenagers encounter the living God, this book helps young people to fall in love with Jesus, find freedom and joy within his boundaries, and live for his glory-day in and day out.
*Adapted from New Morning Mercies (Over 1 Million Copies Sold): Features 366 revised devotionals and new discussion questions for teenagers
*Bonus Q&A Chapter: Tripp answers questions around 18 important topics including depression, pornography, social media, and church
*Written by Paul David Tripp: Author of the bestselling books Parenting and Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens
*A Great Gift for High School Students and College Students
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Clear Mind Peaceful Heart
$24.99God not only has the whole world in His hands; He’s holding the details of your life in His faithful hands as well.
What lies heaviest on your heart as you lay your head on your pillow? Are paralyzing fear and anxiety stealing tomorrow’s peace? Listen to this invitation from Jesus: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 NIV).
Experiencing this kind of rest won’t come from escapism, more vacation days, or stuffing our feelings. Jesus Himself provides rest to our weary souls. While He may not always fix everything right away, we can fix our thoughts on His Word. In doing this, we can sleep at night with ease knowing that God has it all under control.Through the pages of Clear Mind, Peaceful Heart, written by New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst and her friends at Proverbs 31 Ministries, you will be equipped to:
*Quiet fearful and anxious thoughts that always seem to be the loudest before bedtime by incorporating the Bible into your nightly routine
*Find relief from the stress of daily obligations and pressures through 50 encouraging devotions and guided prayers written by women like you
*Release the heaviness you feel about hard situations in your life so you can wake up refreshed and walk into the next day with courage
We may feel afraid, but we don’t have to live afraid. Let this devotional help you fall asleep tonight with a clear mind and a peaceful heart.
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No Te Detengas – (Spanish)
$16.99El autor de Radical, un exito de ventas del New York Times, desafia a los cristianos a liberarse del evangelio actual que prostituye a Jesus por comodidad, poder, prosperidad y politica, y a buscar por completo el verdadero evangelio que exalta a Jesus por encima de todo. El pastor David Platt cree que nos hemos vuelto muy buenos siguiendo un evangelio realmente malo, uno que adora las ideas estadounidenses sobre la verdad biblica. Es hora de que los cristianos desilusionados, desalentados y divididos, y la proxima generacion, sigan a Jesus hacia un futuro diferente. Tenemos que elegir: un evangelio estadounidense o el evangelio biblico. Division mundana o unidad de otro mundo. Compromiso con los idolos de nuestro pais o compromiso con el llamado de Dios en nuestras vidas. En No te detengas, Platt alienta a los seguidores de Jesus a tomar los riesgos necesarios y encontrar una recompensa inimaginable mientras:
*Trabajamos a favor, no en contra, unos de otros, especialmente cuando no estamos de acuerdo.
*Cambiamos el rumbo de siglos de division racial en la Iglesia
*Confiamos en toda la Palabra de Dios con conviccion mientras amamos con compasion a todos los que nos rodean
*Hacemos justicia con bondad y experimentamos la buena vida segun Dios
*Hacemos nuestra parte en la difusion del evangelio a todas las naciones del mundo
Podemos experimentar la maravilla completa de Jesus y la belleza trascendente de su Iglesia aqui y ahora. Pero para hacerlo, algunas cosas deben ser diferentes. Empecemos no con “esa gente”, sino con cada uno de nosotros. Con el evangelio en nuestros corazones y Dios como nuestro premio, sigamos adelante y no nos detengamos.
The New York Times bestselling author of Radical challenges Christians to break free from an American gospel that prostitutes Jesus for comfort, power, prosperity, and politics–and fully pursue the true gospel that exalts Jesus above all.Pastor David Platt believes we’ve gotten really good at following a really bad gospel–one that worships American ideas over biblical truth. It’s time for disillusioned, discouraged, and divided Christians, and the next generation, to follow Jesus into a different future.
But we have to make a choice: an American gospel or the biblical gospel, worldly division or otherworldly unity, compromise with the idols of our country or commitment to God’s call in our lives. In Don’t Hold Back, Platt encourages followers of Jesus to take necessary risks and find u
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Interior Castle : Exploring A Spiritual Classic As A Modern Reader
$16.99Teresa of Avila was a sixteenth-century Carmelite nun who was committed to a life of contemplative prayer. Beloved for both her deep spiritual insights and practical approach to life, her writings are considered spiritual classics, and The Interior Castle is widely recognized as her literary masterpiece. To read The Interior Castle is to put yourself in the hands of an extraordinarily qualified faith mentor who well understands our struggles to connect with God.
Teresa’s primary metaphor throughout this work is that the human soul is an “interior castle,” or a series of “dwelling places,” of great grandeur, beauty, and value. Her book is a tour of the different ways we relate to God through prayer, with varying intensity, awareness, and intimacy, culminating with spiritual unity with God.
Many books on prayer are about what we do to pray, or to pray better. But there are relatively few, like The Interior Castle, that focus on what God does in prayer–particularly the sometimes inexplicable ways God gives us experiences of love, healing, strength, insight, companionship, and knowledge of God’s presence in, and will for, our lives.
In this new edition of The Interior Castle, editor Laurel Mathewson, author of An Intimate Good: A Skeptical Christian Mystic in Conversation with Teresa of Avila, brings this renowned spiritual leader into clear focus for contemporary readers while modernizing the text to include shorter paragraphs, simpler sentence structure, and updated vocabulary. It features an introduction to St. Teresa and her work, chapter introductions and summaries, brief footnotes for additional information and clarity, and questions for reflection. Mathewson encourages us to be open to the ways in which Teresa’s “experiences and writings still shed light on things that happen in our world, so different from hers in so many ways but still filled with human beings struggling to be in relationship with one another and God.”
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Intimate Good : A Skeptical Christian Mystic In Conversation With Teresa Of
$19.99At age twenty-one, the pain of losing her mother to cancer sent Laurel Mathewson–with a naturally skeptical and questioning outlook–on a years-long existential journey. After an unexpected, overwhelming experience of God’s love, Laurel felt God say to her, “Turn to Teresa. She will guide you.” She understood that “Teresa” was the sixteenth-century saint Teresa of Avila, but she knew very little about her. Even after becoming an Episcopal priest, she had never read more than a few pages of Teresa’s writings.
Laurel began to read The Interior Castle, Teresa’s book about the “dwellings” within our souls that we move through to develop an ever-deepening relationship with God through prayer. She truly marveled at discovering a text that illuminated her own spiritual path with such insight, candor, and clarity. And she continued to experience the intimate presence of a God who kept defying and transforming her cynical nature–and offered her the gift of healing.
This beautifully written and moving memoir illustrates an ancient reality still very much alive today: the love and closeness of a good God, as known through Jesus Christ, who seeks to move out into the world, into our very bodies and lives. Not by nature or training inclined to believe such a wild claim, Laurel discovered that God is full of surprises.
In every age, but perhaps particularly in our own, people hunger for personal narratives that help bring to life complex frameworks and ideas. An Intimate Good brings into focus not just Teresa’s Interior Castle but also the living God who is at the heart of it, especially for modern readers who take the life of the mind seriously and yearn for confirmation of meaning and belovedness. Laurel’s journey will lead you to a clearer understanding of the varied avenues God works in our lives over time, through prayer and other people, leading us in ways only possible by One who knows us intimately and loves us deeply.
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Hebrew Versus Greek
$24.99What do you get when you cross classical Hebrew with Koine Greek? It may sound like the metaphor for a strange new animal, but what it creates is a fascinating dive into the Bible that’s rarely, if ever, been attempted before in a devotional study.
In Hebrew versus Greek: A Devotional Study of Scripture Through Two Lenses, Hebrew scholar Chaim Bentorah and Greek scholar Chris Palmer explore fifty concepts from the Septuagint (LXX) and explain the subtle nuances found in Hebrew and Greek.
You will discover how:
*Bringing our traumas to speech through prayer can help heal our souls
*Trusting in God binds us to His divine power
*Affliction invites us to walk intimately with the Lord
*Saying, “There is no God” is like walking through fog
*The promise of “long life” can be understood even though people often die youngUsed by the early church, the Septuagint is the oldest translation of the Old Testament into another language: from Hebrew to Greek. It’s considered to be the most important translation of the Bible.
Palmer says, “The Septuagint is underappreciated and underused in theological pursuits, especially in working with the biblical languages. This book breaks ground in that it uses the Septuagint for something as simple as a devotional Bible study.”
Bentorah adds, “This offers a whole new dimension to our understanding of the Old Testament and the importance of using the Greek Septuagint to explain some difficult passages.”
Hebrew versus Greek will draw you nearer to the original text through simple devotional lessons that explore the rich meanings found in these ancient languages.
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Unique Woman Workbook (Workbook)
$19.00There are opportunities everywhere for women who have the courage to seize them! You have more than you think you have. You can do more than you think you can. You alone are responsible to use the intelligence, talents, abilities, and gifts God has given you.
Ed and Nancy Cole took the truths and experience gathered from over half a century of marriage and ministry together to write Unique Woman. In one of Christianity’s modern classics, the Coles furnish tools to help women achieve the image God holds for them.
In the same upfront and honest style that made Ed Cole an internationally known minister to men, he learned with his wife Nancy to answer the heart’s cry of women around the world who said, “Write us a book!”
Although Unique Woman is addressed primarily to women, male readers have gained new insights and greater understanding of the issues faced by their wives and other women in their lives. Men will discover how the complementary nature of women can lead to greater fulfillment in their own lives.
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101 Prayers For Comfort In Difficult Times
$12.99When words fail to soothe your soul, find solace in the 101 Prayers for Comfort in Difficult Times Gray Faux Leather Prayer Book. While our circumstances may be unique and our struggles often feel isolating, remember that God’s care is profound. As King David once declared, He collects our tears in a bottle-a testament to His deep compassion and awareness of our trials. This prayer book will guide your prayers when it is hard to pray.
The prayer book features an elegant iron-gray faux leather cover decorated with white screen-printed flowers. The teal and gray-lettered sentiment is framed by a double bracket border and is presented in a multi-font design and accented with silver foil.
101 Prayers for Comfort in Difficult Times
The cover design continues on the two-color interior pages, where floral accents are applied to each page. To keep track of your reading, a gray satin ribbon marker is attached to the spine. Gilded page edges add a subtle sheen to the overall look of the ebook and elevate it to an elegant gift item.
The book’s content includes 101 prayers addressing a wide range of topics, each accompanied by a supporting Scripture verse. Throughout the book, beautifully stylized pages are dedicated to Scripture verses and thoughtfully interspersed for moments of contemplation.
Kate Motaung is an author and founder of Refine Services and hosts the Five Minute Friday writing community. Kate and her South African husband have three children and currently reside in West Michigan.
The 101 Prayers for Comfort in Difficult Times Gray Faux Leather Prayer Book is a thoughtful and touching gift, perfect for showing your support to a friend facing a challenging struggle.
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200 Prayers Of Strength For Men
$9.99200 Prayers of Strength for Men: Courage for Troubled Times
These inspiring prayers and scripture selections will turn your eyes from the troubles of this world to the far greater power and glory of your great God. Based on passages from scripture–in the fresh yet familiar Barbour Simplified King James Version–these prayers offer a powerful jolt of spiritual truth for your daily challenges. There’s even a topical index to direct you right to the prayers you need most!
With 200 Prayers of Strength for Men, you’ll be on your way to more meaningful, purposeful, honest conversation with your mighty Creator–who hears your every prayer.
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Treasure Workbook : Uncovering Principles That Govern Success (Workbook)
$19.00Study guide companion to Treasure, by best-selling author Edwin Louis Cole, which uncovers immutable principles that govern success.
Describes the keys that have helped successful people worldwide prosper at a higher level:
All of life is based on principles and follows patterns. Patterns are ways in which the universe operates. You will become successful and begin to prosper when you base your life on sound principles and establish proper patterns that work for you. This study guide is helpful for both individual or in a group discipleship setting.Read moreOut of stock
365 Days Of Kindness
$21.99You can walk in kindness every day when you rely on God to be your source. Be inspired to spread compassion, generosity, and hope as you read these daily devotions and Scriptures. Intentionally engage in the random acts of kindness suggested for each day.
Spending time with God allows you to give generously to others out of the overflow of his heart for you. When you reflect God’s character to a world that often seems harsh, you bring encouragement to people who may otherwise feel forgotten or hopeless. Acts of kindness spark feelings of gratitude. And gratitude goes a long way in improving our quality of life–physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Spread a little kindness today and watch everything around you brighten with joy!
*High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.
*Coordinating sturdy zippered closure allows you to tuck important extras inside.
*Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture.
*Matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance certain features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal.
*High-quality sturdy Smyth-sewn binding stitches book signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the overall design.
*Uncoated, wood-free paper is of premium quality and thickness, lending itself to long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.
*A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.
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Never Quit Workbook (Workbook)
$19.00If you’ve ever wanted to quit, read this first!
Stress. Change. Crisis! Everyone know what it’s like. Everyone has been tempted to walk away, forget it, give up. “Crisis is normal to life,” best-selling author Edwin Louis Cole teaches. But God has a way for you to become a winner in every situation.
Facing the challenge of a job loss, a mid-life crisis, a troubled marriage, moving, financial difficulties and general stress can become the fuel that propels you to your greatest victories and success!In this study guide for the best-selling book, Edwin Louis Cole offers real, sensible solutions to contemporary changes and crises. You’ll learn…
*What to do in crisis
*Ten steps to leave the old and enter the new
*How to transform crisis into overwhelming success
*What is your part; what is God’s part?When life is just too tough, God’s faithfulness is tougher. Even if you’re tempted to quit, you can make it through!
Edwin Louis Cole was known for his practical application of wisdom. Using pithy statements and a confrontational style that demanded social responsibility and family leadership, he mentored hundreds of thousands of men worldwide. Over five million people studied his principles in the last fifty years. His powerful books have become the most widely-used Christian men’s resources in the world.
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Sexual Integrity Workbook (Workbook)
$19.00Understand today why God created you to be sexual and discover the pleasure of honoring your most precious gift!
God made sex good! Sex is to be valued and respected. You have one thing that you can give one time to only one person in one lifetime. Possibly the most unusual and the most important book about sex you will ever read. Sexual Integrity Workbook addresses sexuality with powerful insight.
Refreshing wisdom for every sexual question or issue you have.
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Everyday Courage : 50 Devotions To Build A Bold Faith
$19.99It takes courage to live out your faith boldly, especially in the face of hostility or suffering. What gave Joshua and Caleb the courage to follow God’s commands despite fear? What gave Esther the courage to risk her life and trust God’s plan for His people? What gave the disciples the courage to live out their faith, even to the point of being martyred? They leaned into a greater fear, one that conquers all others–the fear of the Lord.
The fear of the Lord gives believers the power to live with uncompromising faith–a powerful reality we see played out in the pages of the Bible as well as in our lives today. In Everyday Courage, respected Bible teacher, speaker, and bestselling author John Bevere reminds us through Scripture, devotions, and examples from the fathers and mothers of the faith that we, too can live with courage because the fear of the Lord swallows up every other fear in our lives.
Each entry offers:
*A Bible passage to help you discover how to fear God–and why the fear of the Lord is your ultimate source of strength
*A thoughtful reflection on the day’s Scripture
*Stories of biblical figures and other heroes of the faith who lived courageously
*A powerful prayer to seek courage every day
As you rediscover the power of holy fear in your life, you will step bravely into courageous living and bolder faith–every single day.
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Mostly What God Does
$29.99Mostly what God does is love you.
If we could believe this, really believe this, how different would we be? How different would our lives be? How different would our world be?
If you ever struggle with your connection to God (or whether you even feel connected to a faith at all!), you’re not alone. Especially in our modern world, with its relentless, never-ending news cycle, we can all grapple with such questions. Do we do that alone, with despair and resignation? Or do we make sense of it with God, and with hope? In these uncertain times, could believing in the power of divine love make the most sense?
In this collection of essays, Savannah Guthrie shares why she believes it does. Unspooling personal stories from her own joys and sorrows as a daughter, mother, wife, friend, and professional journalist, the award-winning TODAY show coanchor and New York Times bestselling author explores the place of faith in everyday life.
Sharing hard-won wisdom forged from mountaintop triumphs, crushing failures, and even the mundane moments of day-to-day living, Mostly What God Does reveals the transformative ways that belief in God helps us discover real hope for this life and beyond.
A perfect companion to your morning cup of coffee, this incisive volume–not a memoir but a beautiful tapestry of reflections crafted as a spiritual manual–includes:
*a fresh, biblically rooted look at six essentials of faith: love, presence, grace, hope, gratitude, and purpose;
*an honest exploration of questions, doubts, and fears about the love of God;
*a dose of encouragement for the faith-full, the faith-curious, and the faith-less; and
*…and much more.
This deeply personal collection is designed to engage the practical ways that God loves you–not just the world, but you–and to inspire you to venture down a path of faith that is authentic, hopeful, destiny-shaping, and ultimately life-changing.
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Power Of Potential Workbook (Workbook)
$19.00Learn practical, workable solutions known by champions and leaders.
Ed Cole reveals secrets to everyday problems that prevent people from achieving maximum potential. Now these situations can thrust you toward your greatest success! This direct, challenging message features hidden laws to help you…
*Strengthen your greatest personal assets
*Rise above injustice and criticism
*Exchange tension for peace of mind
*Resolve mental conflict and guilt
*Turn anxiety into motivation
*Regain your vision; renew your dreams
*Unlock keys to future successDiscover these brilliant insights to fulfill your destiny!
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Living In The Daze Of Deception
$17.99A High-Stakes Battle for Every Christian
Jesus warned that deception would grow as we draw nearer to the end times, saying, “Take heed that no one deceives you” (Matthew 24:4). Distinguishing truth from error has become an increasingly challenging task-even in the church.
We live in a time when falsehoods assault us from every direction, an ever-advancing and unavoidable tempest of deception. Packaged with just enough truth to make them appear trustworthy, these counterfeits have grown more and more difficult to detect and avoid.
Living in the Daze of Deception explores the many ways error is masquerading as truth-and how you can discern the difference. From pastor Jack Hibbs, you’ll learn:
*the characteristics of deceivers and how they have brought harm to both secular culture and the church
*the many deceptions that are altering and replacing the truth, and how to recognize them
*the keys to standing strong as the spiritual battle surrounding us intensifiesThe greatest antidote to deception is truth. Equip yourself now to grow in discernment so that you can protect yourself from error and remain steadfast in your faith!
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Jesus Calling : Enjoying Peace In His Presence (Large Type)
$26.99Experience a deeper relationship with Jesus as you savor the presence of the One who understands you perfectly and loves you forever. With Scripture and personal reflections, New York Times bestselling author Sarah Young brings Jesus’ message of peace–for today and every day.
Jesus Calling is your yearlong guide to living a more peaceful life. The Jesus Calling(R) brand has impacted more than 40 million lives!
By spending time in the presence of the Savior with the much-loved devotions in Jesus Calling, you will:
*Feel comforted by words of hope and encouragement
*Be reassured of Jesus’ unending love for you
*Receive gentle guidance based on Scripture
*Strengthen your faith with Scripture verses
*Connect with Jesus further with reflection and meditation based on God’s WordWritten as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to you, Jesus Calling invites you to experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is always with you.
This edition features 365 devotions and is sure to be a favorite in the popular Jesus Calling(R) line. The vibrant teal cover with foil has feminine floral touches, giving a gorgeous, elegant feel, along with large text, and full Scripture verses, not just the reference, in each devotion. This edition resonates with women and makes a wonderful gift for Mother’s Day, Easter, birthdays, or for self-purchase.
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Cross Our Glory
$16.99The Cross, Our Glory Reflections on Christ’s Triumphant Sacrifice is a rich collection of messages by Charles H. Spurgeon on the Jesus’ journey from the garden of Gethsemane to Calvary. Spurgeon’s direct, compassionate, deep words surrounding Christ’s passion and His death will engage any reader eager to grow in their knowledge of Christ’s love for humankind.
Sample of selected sermon themes:
*Mourning at the Sight of the Crucified
*The Crown of Thorns
*The Believing Thief
*The Messages of Our Lord’s Love
*The Cross, Our GlorySpurgeon published over two thousand of his sermons, as well as numerous books, which constitute the largest collection of work by a single author. His printed Sunday sermons were so popular that they were literally sold by the ton. He continually appealed to his audiences to allow the Lord to minister to them individually. Highlighted with splashes of spontaneous, delightful humor, his teachings still provide direction to all who are seeking true joy and genuine intimacy with God.
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Como Influenciar La Accion Hum – (Spanish)
$14.99Naciste para liderar. Ahora es el momento de convertirte en lider.
Los lideres se pueden encontrar en las salas de juntas, pero tambien se pueden encontrar en familias, escuelas y organizaciones de todo tipo, en cualquier lugar donde las personas interactuen, se nutran, creen o construyan. Contrario a la opinion popular, el liderazgo no esta destinado a un grupo elite de personas que, por destino o accidente, se convierten en lideres mientras que todos los demas estan destinados a ser seguidores de por vida. Despues de capacitar personalmente a miles de lideres de todo el mundo, el Dr. Myles Munroe, autor de exitos de ventas, expresa que, si bien todas las personas poseen el potencial de liderazgo, muchas no saben como cultivar la naturaleza del liderazgo y como aplicarlo a sus vidas. En El espiritu de liderazgo, el Dr. Munroe define las aptitudes unicas que exhiben todos los lideres efectivos, explica como eliminar los obstaculos a sus habilidades de liderazgo y le ayuda a cumplir con su vocacion particular en la vida.
You were born to lead. Now it’s time to become a leader.
Leaders may be found in boardrooms, but they may also be found in families, schools, and organizations of all kinds, anywhere people interact, nurture, create, or build. Contrary to popular opinion, leadership is not meant for an elite group of people who, by fate or accident, become leaders while everyone else is consigned to being a lifelong follower. After personally training thousands of leaders from around the world, best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe reports that while every person possesses the potential of leadership, many do not understand how to cultivate the leadership nature and how to apply it to their lives. In The Spirit of Leadership, Dr. Munroe defines the unique attitudes that all effective leaders exhibit, explains how to eliminate hindrances to your leadership abilities, and helps you to fulfill your particular calling in life.
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End Of The World As You Know It
$27.50Thinking about the end times isn’t supposed to terrify you
Christians rightly turn to the Bible to make sense of our times. But so often we get the wrong answers because we ask the wrong questions.
In The End of the World as You Know It, Matthew L. Halsted challenges common end-times assumptions and points us back to Scripture. Each chapter reevaluates a popular question in light of the Bible’s own concerns: Will Christians be raptured? What is the mark of the beast? When we let Scripture direct our questions, we get better-and more hopeful-answers.
The Bible was written for us, but not to us. We must bridge the gap between Scripture’s ancient context and our own. Reading end-times texts in their ancient context helps us understand our present and future. And when we do, we find that God’s word brings peace, not fear and confusion.
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Unique Woman : Understanding Her God-Given Qualities
$16.99There are opportunities everywhere for women who have the courage to seize them! You have more than you think you have. You can do more than you think you can. You alone are responsible to use the intelligence, talents, abilities, and gifts God has given you.
Ed and Nancy Cole took the truths and experience gathered from over half a century of marriage and ministry together to write Unique Woman : Understanding Her God-Given Qualities. In one of Christianity’s modern classics, the Coles furnish tools to help women achieve the image God holds for them.
In the same upfront and honest style that made Ed Cole an internationally known minister to men, he learned with his wife Nancy to answer the heart’s cry of women around the world who said, “Write us a book!”
Although Unique Woman is addressed primarily to women, male readers have gained new insights and greater understanding of the issues faced by their wives and other women in their lives. Men will discover how the complementary nature of women can lead to greater fulfillment in their own lives.
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Sugarcoated : Finding Sweet Release From Cravings That Control Us
$17.99All around the world, women yearn for a perfect life they can never grasp. They want to be successful, attractive, sexually fulfilled, and free from distress.
Rather than turning to God, too many try to feast on everything under the sun–diet pills, pornography, shopping sprees, one-night stands, and social media–anything to hit that sweet spot.
In the end, they are left with a deep sense of shame that can draw them further down into a spiral of bingeing, hiding, and emotional self-flagellation. They totally get Paul’s woeful lament, “I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing” (Romans 7:19).
Consequently, these women build a wall between themselves and God. They fear divine retribution for their chosen form of gluttony while simultaneously operating under the false assumption that God doesn’t want to have anything to do with them.
As author Angie Haskell notes, “This dangerous form of beratement worms its way into every facet of women’s lives. It burrows into their psyche, making them believe that demeaning treatment from others, as well as themselves, is perfectly normal. And if they dare throw caution to the wind, stepping out in their stilettos to stand up for what they need, it is often met with assumptions from others that their morals and values have flown out the window.”
These women feel alone, unseen and unsatisfied, but Angie wades into their despair. With disarming wit and boldness, she empowers readers to take a hard look at their secret cravings, understand where they are coming from, and get on a path that leads to emotional and physical health.
In a society that has become dangerously divisive, Angie reassures women that they’re still deserving of a relationship with God while also standing up for themselves and their needs.
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And : The Restorative Power Of Love In An Either Or World
$18.99While others often respond to the cares and concerns of our day through anger, And: The Restorative Power of Love in an Either/Or World attempts to offer a response steeped in the heartbeat of Love.
This book is an invitation to encounter the lived experience and philosophical musings of another as a human, not as a project or agenda to conquer. Without apology, it embraces humanity and all the emotions, back stories, and history that come along with who we are and who Love is inviting us to be. This book is for those who want to think more deeply, those who are asking questions of how, what, and perhaps even why, and those who want to engage in deep listening and empathy.
And: The Restorative Power of Love in an Either/Or World is an invitation to move beyond binaries, beyond hierarchy and comparison to embrace the concept of “AND,” with inclusion and generativity that allow for more than one perspective and/or way of being.
Touching on issues of race, body, motherhood, church, and wonder, these writings are from the stirrings of the author’s own soul, extending an invitation to sit with Spirit in the process of mindful meditation, to humbly sit with compassion and curiosity in ways that evoke honesty and healing so that one might move beyond either/or and discover how the restorative power and uniting thread of Love might be stitching each of us to the world and to each other.
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Sanando El Corazon – (Spanish)
$14.99“No te rindas; la respuesta a tu oracion comienza en el cielo antes de que tu la sientas en la tierra.”
Luego del exito de ventas y de la rotunda bienvenida de los lectores para el extraordinario libro Heridas de amor, regresa Jose Luis Navajo a ponerle un broche de oro a su decidida comprension, y a su respaldo espiritual y practico para mujeres victimas del maltrato conyugal. Complementa los mensajes de su libro con Sanando el corazon, un Devocional de 90 dias, donde nos recuerda y facilita el poder de la oracion para sanar las heridas que dejan experiencias tan traumaticas. Mientras lees las devociones, levantaras tu auto estima al verte como Dios te ve; te fortaleceras; y te restauraras. Al sanar tu corazon, te daras la oportunidad de volver a amar y de ser feliz en una nueva relacion de pareja, donde reinan el amor verdadero que viene de Dios, el respeto, y el trato sano y amoroso bajo el pacto bendecido por el Padre. Este es el primer Devocional en respuesta a la necesidad de sanar un corazon maltrecho por una relacion patologica de pareja.
“Do not give up; the answer to your prayer begins in heaven before you feel it on earth.”
After the success in sales and the resounding welcome of the readers for the extraordinary book Heridas de amor, Jose Luis Navajo comes back to put a finishing touch to his determined understanding, and to his spiritual and practical support for women victims of spousal abuse. He complements the messages in his book with Sanando el corazon, un Devocional de 90 dias, where he reminds us the power of prayer to heal the wounds left behind by such traumatic experiences. As you read the devotions, you will raise your self-esteem by seeing yourself as God sees you; you will strengthen yourself; and you will be restored. By healing your heart, you will give yourself the opportunity to love again and be happy in a new relationship, where true love that comes from God, respect, and healthy and loving treatment reign under the covenant blessed by the Father. This is the first devotional in response to the need to heal the broken life that a pathological relationship leaves behind.
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Activating Miracles : Enter Into Supernatural Faith Without Limits
$16.99” God has an amazing plan for you in which He will use you to do great and mighty things,” says international evangelist Chris Mikkelson. Mikkelson has held meetings for millions and seen a multitude of healings and changed lives. “I believe God is bringing forth a new generation of people like you who will stand in faith, trust completely in His holy Word, confront the fears that paralyze us, and defeat the enemy of our souls. You are part of that generation of believers God wants to use to reach our world with boldness and miraculous power.”
Belief in God and His power is the key that opens the supernatural to us, and Mikkelson explains that a spiritual war is raging to weaken our faith and stop us from activating miracles. We are being attacked by fears, uncertainties, and challenges to our trust in God. But we can enter into a new dimension of supernatural faith and power that is without limits because it comes directly from God to accomplish His purposes through us.
Activating Miracles is filled with faith-building teachings and inspiring stories that demonstrate the miraculous events taking place today, from the United States to so-called closed nations, including Pakistan, where God is working in an unprecedented way.
Prepare to move in a realm of faith that unlocks miracles in your life, enables you to overcome difficult obstacles, and allows you to move into a higher level of ministry to many others who need healing and deliverance. Prepare to activate the miraculous.
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